Neutrino and Astroparticle Research Division
Ref. Number | Affiliation | Department | Job Title | Principal Investigator | Research Proposal | New/Ongoing |
A01 | Sungkyunkwan University | Department of Physics | Professor | Yu, Intae | Light scattering measurement in the water using the Super-Kamiokande detector | Ongoing |
A02 | Gwangju Institute of Scinece and Technology | GIST college (Physics concentration) | Instructor | Jee-Seung Jang | Neutron Antineutron Oscillation in Super-Kamiokande | Ongoing |
A03 | TRIUMF | Physical Sciences | Research Scientist | Patrick De Perio | New Photogrammetry Calibration and Machine Learning Event Reconstruction for Super-Kamiokande and Hyper-Kamiokande | Ongoing |
A04 | Ecole polytechnique universite paris-saclay | Physics Department | Professor | Michel Gonin | Study of supernova neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande | Ongoing |
A05 | University Autonoma Madrid | Theoretical Physics | Profesor Titular | Luis Labarga | Data Taking, Calibrations, Measurements and Analysis with Super-Kamiokande and SupreK-Gd | Ongoing |
A06 | University of Naples Federico II | Dept. of Physics “Ettore Pancini” | Assistant Professor | Gianfranca De Rosa | Tests on mPMT photodetection system for Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment | New |
A07 | University of Seville | Department of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics | Full Professor | Juan Antonio Caballero Carretero | Constraining systematics at T2K and SuperKamiokande oscillation analyses using neutrino-nucleus interaction models | New |
B01 | University Autonoma Madrid | Theoretical Physics | Professor Titular | Luis Labarga | Development and testing of cost-effective, high-performance PhotoDetector anti-implosion covers for Hyper-Kamiokande | Ongoing |
B02 | King’s College London | Department of Physics | Professor | Francesca Di Lodovico | Finalization of the design for the Outer Detector for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment | New |
B03 | University of Edinburgh | School of Physics & Astronomy | Visiting Professor | Stephen Michael Playfer | Photosensors for the Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment | New |
High Energy Cosmic Ray Research Division
Ref. Number | Affiliation | Department | Job Title | Principal Investigator | Research Proposal | New/Ongoing |
C01 | University of Hawaii | Department of Physics and Astronomy | Professor | Thomas Browder | Neutrino Telescope Array Light Collector Prototype Test | New |
C02 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | Department of High Energy Physics | Fellow | Pravata K. Mohanty | A joint observation of near earth space through ~100 GeV cosmic rays using the Akeno and the GRAPES-3 muon telescope | New |
F01 | Institute for Nuclear Reseach RAS | Administration | Deputy director | Grigory I. Rubtsov | Ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray origin studies with the Telescope Array and TAx4 surface detector | Ongoing |
F02 | SungKyunKwan University | Department of Physics | Professor | I. H. Park | Study of the Hotspot in Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with a New Large Telescope Array | Ongoing |
F03 | University of Utah | High Energy Astrophysics Institute and Department of Physics and Astronomy | Professor | C.C.H. Jui | Study of UHECR origin using the TAx4 Fluorescence Detectors | Ongoing |
F04 | National Tsing Hua University | Institute of Astronomy | Post-doctoral Research Fellow | Ellis Owen | Investigating the origin of the diffuse cosmic gamma-ray background in the CTA era | New |
F05 | Max Planck Institute for Physics | Gamma-ray astronomy (MAGIC/CTA) | Postdoctoral Researcher | Moritz Hütten | 2nd symposium “Dark Matter searches in the 2020s” (“Kashiwa Dark Matter symposium”) | Ongoing |
F06 | University of Padova, INFN Padova | Physics and Astronomy | Postdoctoral Researcher | Nataly Ospina Escobar | Workshop: Synergies at new frontiers at gamma-rays, neutrinos and gravitational waves | New |
F07 | Universidad Mayor de San Andres (UMSA) | Instituto de Investigaciones Físicas (IIF) | Professor | Pedro Miranda | Study for Galactic CR origin using the ALPACA air shower array in Bolivia | Ongoing |
F08 | National Astronomical Observatories | Gamma ray and Neutrino group | Chief Scientist | Ding Chen | Study of high-energy cosmic rays at a high altitude in Tibet, China | Ongoing |
Astrophysics and Gravity Research Division
Ref. Number | Affiliation | Department | Job Title | Principal Investigator | Research Proposal | New/Ongoing |
G01 | University of Camerino | School of Science and Tecnologies – Physics Dept. | Researcher | Flavio Travasso | Cryogenic Test masses, Isolation, suspension | Ongoing |
G02 | Academia Sinica | Institute of Physics | Research Fellow | Sadakazu Haino | Development of high power KAGRA LASER system | Ongoing |
G03 | National Central Univercity | Physics depertment | Assistant Professer | Yuki Inoue | Development of calibration and reconstruction system for KAGRA observation | Ongoing |
G04 | National Tsing Hua University | Institute of Photonics Technologies | Professor | Ray-Kuang Lee | Filter cavity experiments for frequency dependent squeezed light source for KAGRA | Ongoing |
G05 | Beijin Normal University | Department of astronomy | Professor | Zong-Hong ZHU | Noise Evaluation and Reduction of Cryogenic Mirror Suspension System in KAGRA | Ongoing |
G06 | Ewha Womans University | Physics | Assistant Professor | Chunglee Kim | Search for astrophysical sources of gamma rays and gravitational waves | New |
G07 | Beijing Normal University | Department of Astronomy | Professor | Zhoujian Cao | Eccentric Binary Black Hole Waveform Template:SEOBNREv1 and SEOBNREv1_ROM | Ongoing |
G08 | University of Notre Dame | Department of Physics | Adjunct Associate Professor | Lan Quynh Nguyen | Collaboration for gravitation wave observatory in study dark matter with compact binary coalescence | New |
G09 | National Tsing Hua University | Institute of Astronomy | Distinguished Professor | Albert Kong | Implementing Sophisticated Data Analysis Methods on KAGRA Data | New |