論文情報[観測的宇宙論グループ]「Census for the rest-frame optical and UV morphologies of galaxies at z = 4-10: First phase of inside-out galaxy formation」


【論文情報】 Ono, Yoshiaki ; Harikane, Yuichi ; Ouchi, Masami ; Nakajima, Kimihiko ; Isobe, Yuki ; Shibuya, Takatoshi ; Nakane, Minami ; Umeda, Hiroya ; Xu, Yi ; Zhang, Yechi,
“Census for the rest-frame optical and UV morphologies of galaxies at z = 4-10: First phase of inside-out galaxy formation”,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Advance Access, https://academic.oup.com/pasj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/pasj/psae004/7603034,
e-Print: ArXiv: 2309.02790[astro-ph.CO]

【日付】 2024-02-07