論文情報[観測的宇宙論グループ]「EMPRESS. XIII. Chemical Enrichment of Young Galaxies Near and Far at z ~ 0 and 4-10: Fe/O, Ar/O, S/O, and N/O Measurements with a Comparison of Chemical Evolution Models」


【論文情報】 Watanabe, Kuria ; Ouchi, Masami ; Nakajima, Kimihiko ; Isobe, Yuki ; Tominaga, Nozomu ; Suzuki, Akihiro ; Ishigaki, Miho N. ; Nomoto, Ken’ichi ; Takahashi, Koh ; Harikane, Yuichi ; Hatano, Shun ; Kusakabe, Haruka ; Moriya, Takashi J. ; Nishigaki, Moka ; Ono, Yoshiaki ; Onodera, Masato ; Sugahara, Yuma,
“EMPRESS. XIII. Chemical Enrichment of Young Galaxies Near and Far at z ~ 0 and 4-10: Fe/O, Ar/O, S/O, and N/O Measurements with a Comparison of Chemical Evolution Models”,
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 962, Issue 1, id.50, 17 pp. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ad13ff,
e-Print: ArXiv: 2305.02078[astro-ph.CO]

【日付】 2024-02-06