論文情報[観測的宇宙論グループ]「Stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF) Probed with Supernova Rates and Neutrino Background: Cosmic-average IMF Slope Is ?2-3 Similar to the Salpeter IMF」


【論文情報】Aoyama, Shohei ; Ouchi, Masami ; Harikane, Yuichi,
“Stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF) Probed with Supernova Rates and Neutrino Background: Cosmic-average IMF Slope Is ?2-3 Similar to the Salpeter IMF”,
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 946, Issue 2, id.69, 6 pp. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/acba87,

e-Print: ArXiv: 2111.02624[astro-ph.CO]

【日付】 2023-03-31