論文情報[観測的宇宙論グループ]「ALMA detection of 321 GHz water maser emission in the radio galaxy NGC 1052」


【論文情報】Kameno, Seiji ; Harikane, Yuichi ; Sawada-Satoh, Satoko ; Sawada, Tsuyoshi ; Saito, Toshiki ; Nakanishi, Kouichiro ; Humphreys, Elizabeth,
“ALMA detection of 321 GHz water maser emission in the radio galaxy NGC 1052”,
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, psad011, https://academic.oup.com/pasj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/pasj/psad011/7054663,
e-Print: ArXiv: 2302.04211[astro-ph.CO]

【日付】 2023-02-23