論文情報[高エネルギー天体グループ]「Spectral analysis of a parsec-scale jet in M87: Observational constraint on the magnetic field strengths in the jet」


【論文情報】H. Ro, M. Kino, B.-W. Sohn, K. Hada, J. Park, M. Nakamura, Y. Cui, K. Yi, A. Chung, J. Hodgson, T. Kawashima, et al.,

“Spectral analysis of a parsec-scale jet in M87: Observational constraint on the magnetic field strengths in the jet”,

accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics,

e-Print: ArXiv: 2303.01014[astro-ph.HE]

【日付】 2022-11-22