論文情報[観測的宇宙論グループ]「Galaxy morphologies revealed with Subaru HSC and super-resolution techniques. I. Major merger fractions of LUV 3-15 L*UV dropout galaxies at z 4-7」


【論文情報】 Shibuya, Takatoshi ;  Miura, Noriaki ;  Iwadate, Kenji ;  Fujimoto, Seiji; Harikane, Yuichi;  Toba, Yoshiki;  Umayahara, Takuyaa;  Ito, Yohito,
“Galaxy morphologies revealed with Subaru HSC and super-resolution techniques. I. Major merger fractions of LUV 3-15 L*UV dropout galaxies at z 4-7″,
e-Print: ArXiv: 2106.03728[hep-ph]

【日付】 2022-01-06