論文情報[観測的宇宙論グループ]「EMPRESS. II. Highly Fe-enriched Metal-poor Galaxies with ~1.0 (Fe/O) and 0.02 (O/H): Possible Traces of Supermassive (>300 M) Stars in Early Galaxies」


【論文情報】 Kojima, Takashi   ;  Ouchi, Masami   ;  Rauch, Michael ;  Ono, Yoshiaki   ; Nakajima, Kimihiko   ;  Isobe, Yuki   ;  Fujimoto, Seiji   ;  Harikane, Yuichi   ; Hashimoto, Takuya   ;  Hayashi, Masao   ;  Komiyama, Yutaka ;  Kusakabe, Haruka   ; Kim, Ji Hoon   ;  Lee, Chien-Hsiu   ;  Mukae, Shiro   ;  Nagao, Tohru   ; Onodera, Masato   ;  Shibuya, Takatoshi ;  Sugahara, Yuma   ;  Umemura, Masayuki  ; Yabe, Kiyoto,
“EMPRESS. II. Highly Fe-enriched Metal-poor Galaxies with ~1.0 (Fe/O) and 0.02 (O/H): Possible Traces of Supermassive (>300 M) Stars in Early Galaxies”,
e-Print: ArXiv: 2006.03831[astro-ph.CO]

【日付】 2021-05-19