番号 | R5-12 / IPMU/ICRR joint seminar |
日時 | 2024年2月19日(月) 11:00-12:00 |
場所 | ICRR Large Seminar Room (6F) and Zoom: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/87034284601?pwd=ZXFlNzFtcFE2Q0FqaUVWMUJQT2ZJdz09 |
講演者 | Federico Urban (CEICO, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) |
タイトル | “What we can learn from cross-correlations between UHECRs and galaxies” |
概要 | Angular, harmonic cross-correlations between different cosmological fields are a well-known tool that has recently catalysed several detections, e.g. between gamma-ray sources and weak lensing. I will review the motivations and theoretical foundations of the application of cross-correlation to UHECRs and galaxies, highlighting its benefits and shortcomings. I will then give a simple example of a possible application in the study of UHECR composition at the highest energies. |