List of FY2024 Inter-University Research Program (International)

国際 共同利用研究

Neutrino and Astroparticle Division

Ref. NumberAffiliationDepartmentJob TitlePrincipal InvestigatorResearch ProposalNew/Ongoing
A1Gwangju Institute of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Physics and Photon ScienceLecturerJang Jee-seungWater Transparency Measurement in Super KamiokandeNew 
A2ILANCE Laboratory ProfessorGonin MichelStudy of supernova neutrinos in Super-KamiokandeOngoing
A3University Autonoma MadridDepartment of Theoretical PhysicsPostdoctoral researcherOspina NatalyData Taking, Calibrations, Measurements and Analysis with Super-Kamiokande I – VIIOngoing
A4King’s College LondonAssoiciate ProfessorTeppei Katoriスーパーカミオカンデ外水槽で使うキャリブレーションレーザーの設置New
B1University of BirminghamSchool of Physics and AstronomyProfessorNikolopoulos KonstantinosTowards a multiphysics liquid Xe TPC with scintillation and charge multiplication readoutsOngoing
B2University Autonoma MadridDepto. Theoretical PhysicsProfessorLabarga LuisAn auto-flashing sytem in Hyper-Kamiokande for monitoring the detector evolution with timeNew 

High Energy Cosmic Ray Division

Ref. NumberAffiliationDepartmentJob TitlePrincipal InvestigatorResearch ProposalNew/Ongoing
E1Max-Planck-Institute for Physics ProfessorMasahiro TeshimaResearch and Development of the high-performance segment mirrors and the camera entrance windows for the CTA Large Size TelescopesOngoing
F1Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Deputy directorRubtsov GrigoryUltra-high-energy cosmic-ray origin studies with the Telescope Array and TAx4 surface detectorOngoing
F2Hanyang UniversityProfessorKim Hang BaeStudy of the Hotspot in Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with a New Large Telescope ArrayOngoing
F3National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences ProfessorChen DINGStudy of high-energy cosmic  rays at a high altitude in Tibet, ChinaOngoing
F4Universidad Mayor de San AndrésInstituto de Investigaciones FísicasProfessorMiranda PedroStudy for Galactic CR origin using the ALPACA air shower array in BoliviaOngoing
F5Universidad de GuadalajaraDepartamento de FisicaResearcherde la Fuente Acosta EduardoConstraining the nature of the emission in PeVatrons observed by Alpaca.Ongoing 
F6Academia SinicaHigh-Energy Theory Group (HETG)Assistant Research FellowFedynitch AnatoliBayesian analysis on the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic ray events collected by the TA experimentOngoing 
F7University of UtahDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessorMatthews JohnStudy of the signals and reconstruction of cosmic ray events via surface detectors from the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger cosmic ray detectorsOngoing

Astrophysics and Gravity Division

Ref. NumberAffiliationDepartmentJob TitlePrincipal InvestigatorResearch ProposalNew/Ongoing
G1National Tsing Hua University ProfessorLee Ray-KuangFilter cavity experiments for the frequency dependent squeezed light for KAGRAOngoing
G2University of Notre Dame Project appointed associate professorNguyen LanSelf interacting dark matter and gravitational wavesOngoing
G3University of PerugiaDepartment of Physics and GeologyAssistant ProfessorBawaj MateuszPosition control system for silicon monolithic suspension in cryogenic gravitational waves detectors.Ongoing
G4National Tsing Hua UniversityInstitute of AstronomyProfessorKong AlbertImplementing Sophisticated Data Analysis Methods on KAGRA DataOngoing
G5National Yang Ming Chiao Tung UniversityDepartment of ElectrophysicsProfessorYang YiApplications of machine learning technique on gravitational wave detectionOngoing
G6Tamkang UniversityDepartment of PhysicsProfessorLiu Guo ChinTest Run Analysis of KAGRA O4 data for Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background SearchNew 
G7Inje UniversityAI Software DepartmentProfessorLee Hyung WonImplementing parameter estimation for CBC sources using particle swarm optimizationNew 

Research Center for Cosmic Neutrinos(RCCN)

Ref. NumberAffiliationDepartmentJob TitlePrincipal InvestigatorResearch ProposalNew/Ongoing
I1King’s College LondonAssociate PrefessorTeppei Katoriスーパーカミオカンデでの高エネルギーニュートリノの測定New 
J1University of SevilleDepartment of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear PhysicsAssistant ProfessorGuillermo MegiasConstraining systematics at T2K and SuperKamiokande oscillation analyses using neutrino-nucleus interaction modelsOngoing