【Topics】ICRR External Review Meeting Held on May 15-17, 2019


ICRR held the fifth External Review Meeting on May 15-17, 2019 to assess research activities conducted during 2012-2018 period. From the perspective of further contribution to the scientific community, the External Review Committee of ICRR has been organized approximately every six years since 1994 to examine every research activity of the ICRR.

The External Review Meeting held at the Large Seminer Room in the 6th floor of ICRR
The External Review Meeting held at the Large Seminer Room in the 6th floor of ICRR
Committee members listeing to project leaders of ICRR
Committee members listeing to project leaders of ICRR

The Review Committee consists of 9 members including
  Shoken Miyama, Professor of Hiroshima University (chairperson)
  Reng Ong, Professor of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  Tsuneyoshi Kamae, Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo
  David Reitze, Professor of California Institute of Technology (Executive Director of LIGO)
  David Sinclair, Professor of Carlton University
  Kunio Inoue, Professor of Tohoku University
  Kiwoon Choi, Professor of Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
  Ralph Engel, Director of Institute for Nuclear Physics, Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT)
  Shoji Torii, Professor of Waseda University

The prime agendas of the ICRR External Review Committee are:
–– to evaluate the scientific activities of ICRR, such as the achievements, present activity and the future directions
–– to evaluate various activities of ICRR, such as the inter-University research programs, relation with the outside groups/organization (Japanese cosmic ray community (CRC), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli-IPMU), Physics department of the University of Tokyo, …) and graduate education.
–– to provide whatever the advice to ICRR.

Reviewers Discuss Research Outcomes with Research Leaders and Young Researchers

In the Review Meeting, research group leaders presented their outcomes, R&D achievements and future plans, and they answered the questions from the reviewers. Some young researchers and graduate students were also invited to the meeting and interviewed. During the lunch and coffee breaks, many ICRR researchers had discussions with the committee members.

The External Review Report to be published online later will be used to improve the activities of ICRR.

【トピックス】東京大学宇宙線研究所 外部評価委員会2019を開催
【トピックス】東京大学宇宙線研究所 外部評価委員会2019を開催
【トピックス】東京大学宇宙線研究所 外部評価委員会2019を開催
【トピックス】東京大学宇宙線研究所 外部評価委員会2019を開催
Reviewers having discussions during coffee break
【トピックス】東京大学宇宙線研究所 外部評価委員会2019を開催
【トピックス】東京大学宇宙線研究所 外部評価委員会2019を開催
Reviewers having discussions during coffee break
Lunch meeting with young researchers
Young researchers intervewed by committee members
Young researchers intervewed by committee members
Chairperson Miyama presenting the preliminary report
Chairperson Miyama presenting the preliminary report