“Unveiling gamma-ray emission from Pulsars” / Prof. Marcos López Moya (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain)

ICRR Seminar

 Date & Time 15:30-17:00, Wednesday, July 27 ,2022
 PlaceMeeting Room 604 (Square) and Zoom
Zoom URL: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/87034284601?pwd=ZXFlNzFtcFE2Q0FqaUVWMUJQT2ZJdz09
 SpeakerProf. Marcos López Moya
(University Complutense of Madrid, Spain)
 Title“Unveiling gamma-ray emission from Pulsars”
 AbstractMost of the gamma-ray pulsars detected by the Fermi-LAT space telescope exhibit sharp spectral cutoffs around a few GeV. This can be explained by classical models of pulsars, in which the gamma-ray emission originates from curvature radiation emitted by charged particles accelerated near the surface of the neutron star or the light cylinder of the pulsar. However, the detection of the Crab and Vela pulsars up to TeV energies has shown that the emission from pulsars can extend further than expected. This has raised important questions about our understanding of the electrodynamics of pulsars.
In this talk, I will review the latest observations of pulsars with gamma-ray telescopes and discuss the implications of these observations for our understanding of pulsar physics. Finally, prospects for pulsar observations with the coming CTA observatory will also be shown.
Presentation Slide