License for ICRR Logo

About ICRR Logo

The ICRR logo was selected in December, 2005. We invited ideas of logo in ICRR. Eighteen ideas were proposed by 12 persons, and the official logo was selected as follows. It was designed by Dr. Ken’ichi Tsuchiya, and a bottle of wine is awarded to him as a prize from the then ICRR director, Prof. Yoichiro Suzuki.

This logo expresses some images associated with ICRR: a supernova, shockwaves, air showers, fluorescence and Cherenkov light…. We suggest to use this logo for presentations, publications, letter head and something like this connected with ICRR.

Instructions for Use

  • Author’s copyright of these logo marks attribute to ICRR.
  • We refuse to use for that illegal sites, breached of the public manners sites or productions.
  • We refuse to use the logo with apparently modified desig.
  • If you have some questions, please send e-mail to “”.