We publicly invite the submission of research proposals for ICRR’s Fiscal 2021 (from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022) Inter-University Research Program. Those wishing to apply should submit the separate Inter-University Research Program Application Form in digital file format by Tuesday, January 12, 2021 (JST).
Here are the application forms;
▼Application Forms
3. Application (form1)/Cover&annex(list of Participants) [Download]
4. Application (form2) [Download]
※The following application materials are available at Japanese page(only in Japanese)、Should you have any questions, please send an email to ICRR’s Inter-University Research Program Administrator : kyodo-riyo@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp
1. ICRR’s Inter-University Research Program
2. Application Guidelines
5. Confirmation Form for Inter-University Research Program applications for which a postgraduate fellow is principal investigator(form3)
6. Inter-University research consent form (form4)
7. Request for permission to add participating researchers and research assistants (form5)
8. Request to change Institute for Cosmic Ray Research Inter-University Research Program expense usage breakdown (form6)
9. Letter of Consent (form7)
10. Regulations on Collaborators at ICRR
▼Research Result Templates
Research Report 2021_Inter-University Research Program [Download]