

[**] Nakane, M.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Tominaga, N.; Takahashi, K.; Yanagisawa, H.; Watanabe, K.; Nomoto, K.; Isobe, Y.; Kashino, D.; Nishigaki, M.; Ishigaki, M. N.; Ono, Y.; Takeda, Y., submitted to ApJ
"Low [O/Fe] Ratio in a Luminous Galaxy at the Early Cosmic Epoch (z>10): Signature of Short Delay Time or Bright Hypernovae/Pair-Instability Supernovae?"
(ADS; arXiv:2407.14470)

[**] Harikane, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Ellis, R. S.; Ouchi, M.; Nakazato, Y.; Yoshida, N.; Ono, Y.; Sun, F.; Sato, R. A.; Fujimoto, S.; Kashikawa, N.; McLeod, D. J.; Perez-Gonzalez, P. G.; Sawicki, M.; Sugahara, Y.; Xu, Y.; Yamanaka, S.; Carnall, A. C.; Cullen, F.; Dunlop, J. S.; Egami, E.; Grogin, N.; Isobe, Y.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Laporte, N.; Lee, C.-H.; Magee, D.; Matsuo, H.; Matsuoka, Y.; Mawatari, K.; Nakajima, K.; Nakane, M.; Tamura, Y.; Umeda, H.; Yanagisawa, H., submitted to ApJ
"JWST, ALMA, and Keck Spectroscopic Constraints on the UV Luminosity Functions at z~7-14: Clumpiness and Compactness of the Brightest Galaxies in the Early Universe"
(ADS; arXiv:2406.18352)

[**] Yanagisawa, H.; Ouchi, M.; Watanabe, K.; Matsumoto, A.; Nakajima, K.; Yajima, H.; Nagamine, K.; Takahashi, K.; Nakane, M.; Tominaga, N.; Umeda, H.; Fukushima, H.; Harikane, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Ono, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y., ApJ in press
"Strong He I Emission Lines in High N/O Galaxies at z∼6 Identified in JWST Spectra: High He/H Abundance Ratios or High Electron Densities?"
(ADS; arXiv:2405.01823)

[**] Xu, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Yajima, H.; Fukushima, H.; Harikane, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Nakane, M.; Ono, Y.; Umeda, H.; Yanagisawa, H.; Zhang, Y., submitted to ApJ
"Dynamics of GN-z11 Explored by JWST Integral Field Spectroscopy: Gaseous Rotating Disk at z=10.60 Suggestive of Weak Feedback?"
(ADS; arXiv:2404.16963)

[**] Toshikawa, J.; Wuyts, S.; Kashikawa, N.; Uchiyama, H.; Bremer, M.; Sawicki, M.; Ono, Y.; Kubo, M.; Ito, K., submitted to MNRAS
"Galaxy properties from the outskirts to the core of a protocluster at z=3.699"
(ADS; arXiv:2404.15910)

[**] Yanagisawa, H.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Yajima, H.; Umeda, H.; Baba, S.; Nakagawa, T.; Nakane, M.; Matsumoto, A.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y., ApJ in press
"Balmer Decrement Anomalies in Galaxies at z~6 Found by JWST Observations: Density-Bounded Nebulae or Excited HI Clouds?"
(ADS; arXiv:2403.20118)

[**] Fujimoto, S.; Ouchi, M.; Kohno, K.; Valentino, F.; Gimenez-Arteaga, C.; Brammer, G. B.; Furtak, L. J.; Kohandel, M.; Oguri, M.; Pallottini, A.; Richard, J.; Zitrin, A.; Bauer, F. E.; Boylan-Kolchin, M.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Egami, E.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Ma, Z.; Smail, I.; Watson, D.; Hutchison, T. A.; Rigby, J. R.; Welch, B. D.; Ao, Y.; Bradley, L. D.; Caminha, G. B.; Caputi, K. I.; Espada, D.; Endsley, R.; Fudamoto, Y.; Gonzalez-Lopez, J.; Hatsukade, B.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Kokorev, V.; Laporte, N.; Lee, M.; Magdis, G. E.; Ono, Y.; Rizzo, F.; Shibuya, T.; Shimasaku, K.; Sun, F.; Toft, S.; Umehata, H.; Wang, T.; Yajima, H., submitted
"Primordial Rotating Disk Composed of ≥15 Dense Star-Forming Clumps at Cosmic Dawn"
(ADS; arXiv:2402.18543)

[**] Xu, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Ono, Y.; Umeda, H.; Zhang, Y., submitted to ApJ
"Stellar and AGN Feedback Probed with Outflows in JWST Galaxies at z=3-9: Implications of Frequent Nearly-Spherical Galactic Fountains"
(ADS; arXiv:2310.06614)

[**] Hatano, S.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kokubo, M.; Kikuta, S.; Tominaga, N.; Xu, Y.; Watanabe, K.; Harikane, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Matsumoto, A.; Nishigaki, M.; Ono, Y.; Onodera, M.; Sugahara, Y.; Umeda, H.; Zhang, Y., 2023, submitted
"Active Massive Black Hole Found in the Young Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxy SBS 0335-052E"
(ADS; arXiv:2304.03726)

[128] Mitsuhashi, I.; Harikane, Y.; Bauer, F. E.; Bakx, T.; Ferrara, A.; Fujimoto, S.; Hashimoto, T.; Inoue, A. K.; Iwasawa, K.; Nishimura, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Ono, Y.; Saito, T.; Sugahara, Y.; Umehata, H.; Vallini, L.; Wang, T., 2024, ApJ, 971, 161 (18pp)
"SERENADE II: An ALMA Multi-Band Dust-Continuum Analysis of 28 Galaxies at 5<z<8 and the Physical Origin of the Dust Temperature Evolution"
(ADS; arXiv:2311.16857)

[127] Umeda, H.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Xu, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Zhang, Y., 2024, ApJ, 971, 124 (16pp)
"JWST Measurements of Neutral Hydrogen Fractions and Ionized Bubble Sizes at z=7-12 Obtained with Lya Damping Wing Absorptions in 26 Bright Continuum Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:2306.00487)

[126] Zhang, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Xu, Y.; Ono, Y.; Umeda, H., 2024, ApJ, 970, 19 (12pp)
"Statistics for Galaxy Outflows at z∼6-9 with Imaging and Spectroscopic Signatures Identified with JWST/NIRCam and NIRSpec Data"
(ADS; arXiv:2306.07940)

[125] Gimenez-Arteaga, C.; Fujimoto, S.; Valentino, F.; Brammer, G. B.; Mason, C. A.; Rizzo, F.; Rusakov, V.; Colina, L.; Prieto-Lyon, G.; Oesch, P. A.; Espada, D.; Heintz, K. E.; Knudsen, K. K.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Laporte, N.; Lee, M.; Magdis, G. E.; Ono, Y.; Ao, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Kohno, K.; Koekemoer, A. M., 2024, A&A, 686, A63 (14pp)
"Outshining in the Spatially Resolved Analysis of a Strongly-Lensed Galaxy at z=6.072 with JWST NIRCam"
(ADS; arXiv:2402.17875)

[124] Nakane, M.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Umeda, H.; Isobe, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, Y., 2024, ApJ, 967, 28 (22pp)
"Lya Emission at z=7-13: Clear Lya Equivalent Width Evolution Indicating the Late Cosmic Reionization History"
(ADS; arXiv:2312.06804)

[123] Hatano, S.; Ouchi, M.; Umeda, H.; Nakajima, K.; Kawaguchi, T.; Isobe, Y.; Aoyama, S.; Watanabe, K.; Harikane, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Matsumoto, A.; Moriya, T. J.; Nishigaki, M.; Ono, Y.; Onodera, M.; Sugahara, Y.; Suzuki, A.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y., 2024, ApJ, 966, 170 (14pp)
"EMPRESS. XIV. Strong High Ionization Lines of Young Galaxies at z=0-8 : Ionizing Spectra Consistent with the Intermediate Mass Black Holes with M_BH~1e+3-1e+6 Msun"
(ADS; arXiv:2305.02189)

[122] Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Isobe, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Nakane, M.; Umeda, H.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y., 2024, PASJ, 76, 219-250
"Census for the Rest-frame Optical and UV Morphologies of Galaxies at z=4-10 : First Phase of Inside-Out Galaxy Formation"
(ADS; arXiv:2309.02790)

[121] Watanabe, K.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Isobe, Y.; Tominaga, N.; Suzuki, A.; Ishigaki, M. N.; Nomoto, K.; Takahashi, K.; Harikane, Y.; Hatano, S.; Kusakabe, H.; Moriya, T. J.; Nishigaki, M.; Ono, Y.; Onodera, M.; Sugahara, Y., 2024, ApJ, 962, 50 (17pp)
"EMPRESS. XIII. Chemical Enrichments of Young Galaxies Near and Far at z~0 and 4-10: Fe/O, Ar/O, S/O, and N/O Measurements with Chemical Evolution Model Comparisons"
(ADS; arXiv:2305.02078)

[120] Toshikawa, J.; Wuyts, S.; Kashikawa, N.; Liu, C.; Sawicki, M.; Overzier, R.; Kubo, M.; Uchiyama, H.; Ito, K.; Bremer, M.; Ono, Y.; Kodama, T.; Lin, Y.-T.; Saito, T., 2024, MNRAS, 527, 6276-6291
"An enhanced abundance of bright galaxies in protocluster candidates at z~3-5"
(ADS; arXiv:2310.08525)

[119] Xu, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Isobe, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Ozaki, S.; Bouche, N. F.; Wise, J. H.; Emsellem, E.; Kusakabe, H.; Hattori, T.; Nagao, T.; Chiaki, G.; Fukushima, H.; Harikane, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Hirai, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Maseda, M. V.; Nagamine, K.; Shibuya, T.; Sugahara, Y.; Yajima, H.; Aoyama, S.; Fujimoto, S.; Fukushima, K.; Hatano, S.; Inoue, A. K.; Ishigaki, T.; Kawasaki, M.; Kojima, T.; Komiyama, Y.; Koyama, S.; Koyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Matsumoto, A.; Mawatari, K.; Moriya, T. J.; Motohara, K.; Murai, K.; Nishigaki, M.; Onodera, M.; Ono, Y.; Rauch, M.; Saito, T.; Sasaki, R.; Suzuki, A.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Umeda, H.; Umemura, M.; Watanabe, K.; Yabe, K.; Zhang, Y., 2024, ApJ, 961, 49 (15pp)
"EMPRESS. XII. Statistics on the Dynamics and Gas Mass Fraction of Extremely-Metal Poor Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:2303.12467)

[118] Harikane, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Umeda, H.; Isobe, Y.; Ono, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y., 2024, ApJ, 960, 56 (22pp)
"Pure Spectroscopic Constraints on UV Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star Formation History From 25 Galaxies at z_spec=8.61-13.20 Confirmed with JWST/NIRSpec"
(ADS; arXiv:2304.06658)

[117] Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Isobe, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Ono, Y.; Umeda, H.; Oguri, M., 2023, ApJS, 269, 33 (30pp)
"JWST Census for the Mass-Metallicity Star-Formation Relations at z=4-10 with Self-Consistent Flux Calibration and the Proper Metallicity Calibrators"
(ADS; arXiv:2301.12825)

[116] Isobe, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Tominaga, N.; Watanabe, K.; Nakajima, K.; Umeda, H.; Yajima, H.; Harikane, Y.; Fukushima, H.; Xu, Y.; Ono, Y.; Zhang, Y., 2023, ApJ, 959, 100 (16pp)
"JWST Identification of Extremely Low C/N Galaxies with [N/O]>0.5 at z~6-10 Evidencing the Early CNO-Cycle Enrichment and a Connection with Globular Cluster Formation"
(ADS; arXiv:2307.00710)

[115] Harikane, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Isobe, Y.; Ono, Y.; Hatano, S.; Xu, Y.; Umeda, H., 2023, ApJ, 959, 39 (18pp)
"JWST/NIRSpec First Census of Broad-Line AGNs at z=4-7: Detection of 10 Faint AGNs with M_BH ~ 1e+6-1e+7 Msun and Their Host Galaxy Properties"
(ADS; arXiv:2303.11946)

[114] Yajima, H.; Abe, M.; Fukushima, H.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Hashimoto, T.; Khochfar, S., 2023, MNRAS, 525, 4832-4839
"FOREVER22: the first bright galaxies with population III stars at redshifts z~=10-20 and comparisons with JWST data"
(ADS; arXiv:2211.12970)

[113] Isobe, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Umeda, H., 2023, ApJ, 956, 139 (8pp)
"Redshift Evolution of the Electron Density in the ISM at z~0-9 Uncovered with JWST/NIRSpec Spectra and Line-Spread Function Determinations"
(ADS; arXiv:2301.06811)

[112] Kikuta, S.; Ouchi, M.; Shibuya, T.; Liang, Y.; Umeda, H.; Matsumoto, A.; Shimasaku, K.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Yamanaka, S.; Kusakabe, H.; Momose, R.; Kashikawa, N.; Matsuda, Y.; Lee, C.-H., 2023, ApJS, 268, 24 (21pp)
"SILVERRUSH. XIII. A Catalog of 20,567 Lya Emitters at z=2-7 Identified in the Full-Depth Data of the Subaru/HSC-SSP and CHORUS Surveys"
(ADS; arXiv:2305.08921)

[111] Kakiichi, K.; Hennawi, J. F.; Ono, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Ouchi, M.; Ellis, R. S.; Meyer, R. A.; Bosman, S. I., 2023, MNRAS, 523, 1772-1798
"Photometric IGM tomography with Subaru/HSC: the large-scale structure of Lyα emitters and IGM transmission in the COSMOS field at z∼5"
(ADS; arXiv:2301.00373)

[110] Hashimoto, T.; Inoue, A. K.; Sugahara, Y.; Fudamoto, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Knudsen, K. K.; Matsuo, H.; Tamura, Y.; Yamanaka, S.; Harikane, Y.; Kuno, N.; Ono, Y.; Salak, D., 2023, ApJ, 952, 48 (10pp)
"Big Three Dragons. III: A Study of Molecular Gas in a Bright Lyman-Break Galaxy at z=7.15 with ALMA"
(ADS; arXiv:2203.01345)

[109] Nishigaki, M.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Ono, Y.; Rauch, M.; Isobe, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Narita, K.; Zahedy, F.; Xu, Y.; Yajima, H.; Fukushima, H.; Hirai, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Inoue, S.; Kusakabe, H.; Lee, C.-H.; Nagao, T.; Onodera, M., 2023, ApJ, 952, 11 (17pp)
"EMPRESS. XI. SDSS and JWST Search for Local and z~4-5 Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies (EMPGs): Clustering and Chemical Properties of Local EMPGs"
(ADS; arXiv:2302.03158)

[108] Isobe, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Ozaki, S.; Bouche, N.; Wise, J. H.; Xu, Y.; Emsellem, E.; Kusakabe, H.; Hattori, T.; Nagao, T.; Chiaki, G.; Fukushima, H.; Harikane, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Hirai, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Maseda, M. V.; Nagamine, K.; Shibuya, T.; Sugahara, Y.; Yajima, H.; Aoyama, S.; Fujimoto, S.; Fukushima, K.; Hashimoto, T.; Hatano, S.; Inoue, A. K.; Ishigaki, T.; Kawasaki, M.; Kojima, T.; Komiyama, Y.; Koyama, S.; Koyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Matsumoto, A.; Mawatari, K.; Moriya, T. J.; Motohara, K.; Murai, K.; Nishigaki, M.; Onodera, M.; Ono, Y.; Rauch, M.; Saito, T.; Sasaki, R.; Suzuki, A.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Umeda, H.; Umemura, M.; Watanabe, K.; Yabe, K.; Zhang, Y., 2023, ApJ, 951, 102 (18pp)
"EMPRESS. IX. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies are Very Gas-Rich Dispersion-Dominated Systems: Will JWST Witness Gaseous Turbulent High-z Primordial Galaxies?"
(ADS; arXiv:2206.04709)

[107] Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Yajima, H.; Abe, M.; Isobe, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Zhang, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Umeda, H., 2023, ApJ, 951, 72 (21pp)
"Morphologies of Galaxies at z>~9 Uncovered by JWST/NIRCam Imaging: Cosmic Size Evolution and an Identification of an Extremely Compact Bright Galaxy at z~12"
(ADS; arXiv:2208.13582)

[106] Sun, D.; Mawatari, K.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Yajima, H.; Zhang, Y.; Abe, M.; Bowman, W. P.; Mentuch Cooper, E.; Davis, D.; Farrow, D. J.; Gebhardt, K.; Hill, G. J.; Liu, C.; Schneider, D. P., 2023, ApJ, 951, 25 (20pp)
"Cosmological-Scale HI Distribution Around Galaxies and AGN Probed with the HETDEX and SDSS Spectroscopic Data"
(ADS; arXiv:2301.05100)

[105] Annunziatella, M.; Sajina, A.; Stefanon, M.; Marchesini, D.; Lacy, M.; Labbe, I.; Houston, L.; Bezanson, R.; Egami, E.; Fan, X.; Farrah, D.; Greene, J.; Goulding, A.; Lin, Y.-T.; Liu, X.; Moutard, T.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Sawicki, M.; Surace, J.; Whitaker, K., 2023, AJ, 166, 25 (12pp)
"The Spitzer Coverage of HSC-Deep with IRAC for Z studies (SHIRAZ) I: IRAC mosaics"
(ADS; arXiv:2305.13363)

[104] Matsuoka, Y.; Onoue, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Strauss, M. A.; Kashikawa, N.; Izumi, T.; Nagao, T.; Imanishi, M.; Akiyama, M.; Silverman, J. D.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Inayoshi, K.; Ishimoto, R.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Murayama, H.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Oogi, T.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takahashi, A.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Toba, Y.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yamashita, T., 2023, ApJL, 949, L42 (8pp)
"Quasar Luminosity Function at z=7"
(ADS; arXiv:2305.11225)

[103] Zhang, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Gebhardt, K.; Liu, C.; Harikane, Y.; Mentuch Cooper, E.; Davis, D.; Farrow, D. J.; Gawiser, E.; Hill, G. J.; Kollatschny, W.; Ono, Y.; Schneider, D. P.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Gronwall, C.; Jogee, S.; Krumpe, M., 2023, ApJ, 948, 103 (12pp)
"The Stellar Mass - Black Hole Mass Relation at z∼2 Down to M_BH ∼ 1e+7 Msun Determined by HETDEX"
(ADS; arXiv:2303.02929)

[102] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Isobe, Y.; Umeda, H.; Mawatari, K.; Zhang, Y., 2023, ApJS, 265, 5 (27pp)
"A Comprehensive Study on Galaxies at z~9-16 Found in the Early JWST Data: UV Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star-Formation History at the Pre-Reionization Epoch"
(ADS; arXiv:2208.01612)

[101] Matsumoto, A.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Kawasaki, M.; Murai, K.; Motohara, K.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Kushibiki, K.; Koyama, S.; Aoyama, S.; Konishi, M.; Takahashi, H.; Isobe, Y.; Umeda, H.; Sugahara, Y.; Onodera, M.; Nagamine, K.; Kusakabe, H.; Hirai, Y.; Moriya, T. J.; Shibuya, T.; Komiyama, Y.; Fukushima, K.; Fujimoto, S.; Hattori, T.; Hayashi, K.; Inoue, A. K.; Kikuchihara, S.; Kojima, T.; Koyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Mawatari, K.; Miyata, T.; Nagao, T.; Ozaki, S.; Rauch, M.; Saito, T.; Suzuki, A.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Umemura, M.; Xu, Y.; Yabe, K.; Zhang, Y.; Yoshii, Y., 2022, ApJ, 941, 167 (14pp)
"EMPRESS. VIII. A New Determination of Primordial He Abundance with Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies: A Suggestion of the Lepton Asymmetry and Implications for the Hubble Tension"
(ADS; arXiv:2203.09617)

[100] Ono, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Vallini, L.; Ferrara, A.; Shibuya, T.; Pallottini, A.; Inoue, A. K.; Imanishi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Hashimoto, T.; Lee, C.-H.; Sugahara, Y.; Tamura, Y.; Kohno, K.; Schramm, M., 2022, ApJ, 941, 74 (19pp)
"ALMA Observations for CO Emission from Luminous Lyman-break Galaxies at z=6.0293-6.2037"
(ADS; arXiv:2211.00793)

[99] Uchiyama, H.; Yamashita, T.; Nagao, T.; Ono, Y.; Toshikawa, J.; Ichikawa, K.; Kawakatu, N.; Kajisawa, M.; Toba, Y.; Matsuoka, Y.; Kubo, M.; Imanishi, M.; Ito, K.; Kawaguchi, T.; Lee, C.-H.; Saito, T., 2022, PASJ, 74, L27-L32
"A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). IX. The Most Overdense Region at z~5 Inhabited by a Massive Radio Galaxy"
(ADS; arXiv:2208.14632)

[98] Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Xu, Y.; Rauch, M.; Harikane, Y.; Nishigaki, M.; Isobe, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Nagao, T.; Ono, Y.; Onodera, M.; Sugahara, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Komiyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Zahedy, F. S., 2022, ApJS, 262, 3 (27pp)
"EMPRESS. V. Metallicity Diagnostics of Galaxies over 12+log(O/H)=~6.9-8.9 Established by a Local Galaxy Census: Preparing for JWST Spectroscopy"
(ADS; arXiv:2206.02824)

[97] Miyatake, H.; Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Yamamoto, N.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Bahcall, N.; Miyazaki, S.; Plazas Malagon, A. A., 2022, PRL, 129, 061301 (8pp)
"First Identification of a CMB Lensing Signal Produced by 1.5 Million Galaxies at z∼4: Constraints on Matter Density Fluctuations at High Redshift"
(ADS; arXiv:2103.15862)

[96] Kikuchihara, S.; Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Itoh, R.; Kakuma, R.; Inoue, A. K. ; Kusakabe, H.; Shimasaku, K.; Momose, R.; Sugahara, Y.; Kikuta, S.; Saito, S.; Kashikawa, N.; Zhang, H.; Lee, C.-H., 2022, ApJ, 931, 97 (17pp)
"SILVERRUSH. XI. Intensity Mapping for Lya Emission Extending over 100-1000 comoving kpc around z~2-7 LAEs with Subaru HSC-SSP and CHORUS Data"
(ADS; arXiv:2108.09288)

[95] Umeda, H.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Isobe, Y.; Aoyama, S.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Matsumoto, A., 2022, ApJ, 930, 37 (14pp)
"EMPRESS. VII. Ionizing Spectrum Shapes of Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies: Uncovering the Origins of Strong HeII and the Impact on Cosmic Reionization"
(ADS; arXiv:2201.06593)

[94] Aihara, H., et al. (HSC SSP collaboration), 2022, PASJ, 74, 247-272
"Third Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
(ADS; arXiv:2108.13045)

[93] Xu, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Rauch, M.; Nakajima, K.; Harikane, Y.; Sugahara, Y.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Fujimoto, S.; Isobe, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Ono, Y.; Zahedy, F. S., 2022, ApJ, 929, 134 (17pp)
"EMPRESS. VI. Outflows Investigated in Low-Mass Galaxies with M∗=1e+4−1e+7 Msun: Weak Feedback in Low-Mass Galaxies?"
(ADS; arXiv:2112.08045)

[92] Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Liu, C.; Sawicki, M.; Shibuya, T.; Behroozi, P. S.; He, W.; Shimasaku, K.; Arnouts, S.; Coupon, J.; Fujimoto, S.; Gwyn, S.; Huang, J.; Inoue, A. K. ; Kashikawa, N.; Komiyama, Y.; Matsuoka, Y.; Willott, C. J., 2022, ApJS, 259, 20 (37pp)
"GOLDRUSH. IV. Luminosity Functions and Clustering Revealed with ~4,000,000 Galaxies at z~2-7: Galaxy-AGN Transition, Star Formation Efficiency, and Implication for Evolution at z>10"
(ADS; arXiv:2108.01090)

[91] Matsuoka, Y.; Iwasawa, K.; Onoue, M.; Izumi, T.; Kashikawa, N.; Strauss, M. A.; Imanishi, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Silverman, J. D.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Ishimoto, R.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kato, N.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takahashi, A.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yamashita, T., 2022, ApJS, 259, 18 (19pp)
"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XVI. 69 New Quasars at 5.8<z<7.0"
(ADS; arXiv:2111.12766)

[90] Uchiyama, H.; Yamashita, T.; Toshikawa, J.; Kashikawa, N.; Ichikawa, K.; Kubo, M.; Ito, K.; Kawakatu, N.; Nagao, T.; Toba, Y.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Kajisawa, M.; Lee, C.-H.; Liang, Y., 2022, ApJ, 926, 76 (16pp)
"A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). VI. Distant Filamentary Structures Pointed by High-z Radio Galaxies at z~4"
(ADS; arXiv:2112.01684)

[89] Isobe, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Suzuki, A.; Moriya, T.; Nakajima, K.; Nomoto, K.; Rauch, M.; Harikane, Y.; Kojima, T.; Ono, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Inoue, A. K. ; Kim, J. H.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Lee, C.-H.; Maseda, M.; Matthee, J.; Michel-Dansac, L.; Nagao, T.; Nanayakkara, T.; Nishigaki, M.; Onodera, M.; Sugahara, Y.; Xu, Y., 2022, ApJ, 925, 111 (18pp)
"EMPRESS. IV. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies (EMPGs) Including Very Low-Mass Primordial Systems with Mstar=104-105Msun and 2-3% (O/H)sun: High (Fe/O) Suggestive of Metal Enrichment by Hypernovae/Pair-Instability Supernovae"
(ADS; arXiv:2108.03850)

[88] Kashiwagi, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Isobe, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Ozaki, S.; Fujimoto, S.; Ono, Y.; Kojima, T., 2021, PASJ, 73, 1631 (7pp)
"Subaru/FOCAS IFU revealed the metallicity gradient of a local extremely metal-poor galaxy"
(ADS; arXiv:2110.05030)

[87] Gebhardt, K.; Mentuch Cooper, E.; Ciardullo, R.; Acquaviva, V.; Bender, R.; Bowman, W. P.; Castanheira, B. G.; Dalton, G.; Davis, D.; de Jong, R. S.; DePoy, D. L.; Devarakonda, Y.; Dongsheng, S.; Drory, N.; Fabricius, M.; Farrow, D. J.; Feldmeier, J.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Froning, C. S.; Gawiser, E.; Gronwall, C.; Herold, L.; Hill, G. J.; Hopp, U.; House, L. R.; Janowiecki, S.; Jarvis, M.; Jeong, D.; Jogee, S.; Kakuma, R.; Kelz, A.; Kollatschny, W.; Komatsu, E.; Krumpe, M.; Landriau, M.; Liu, C.; Lujan Niemeyer, M.; MacQueen, P.; Marshall, J.; Mawatari, K.; McLinden, E. M.; Mukae, S.; Nagaraj, G.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Papovich, C.; Sakai, N.; Saito, S.; Schneider, D. P.; Schulze, A.; Shanmugasundararaj, K.; Shetrone, M.; Sneden, C.; Snigula, J.; Steinmetz, M.; Thomas, B. P.; Thomas, B.; Tuttle, S.; Urrutia, T.; Wisotzki, L.; Wold, I.; Zeimann, G.; Zhang, Y., 2021, ApJ, 923, 217 (39pp)
"The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) Survey Design, Reductions, and Detections"
(ADS; arXiv:2110.04298)

[86] Zhang, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Gebhardt, K.; Mentuch C. E.; Liu, C.; Davis, D.; Jeong, D.; Farrow, D. J.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Gawiser, E.; Hill, G. J.; Kakuma, R.; Acquaviva, V.; Casey, C. M.; Fabricius, M.; Hopp, U.; Jarvis, M. J.; Landriau, M.; Mawatari, K.; Mukae, S.; Ono, Y.; Sakai, N.; Schneider, D. P., 2021, ApJ, 922, 167 (19pp)
"First HETDEX Spectroscopic Determinations of Lya and UV Luminosity Functions at z=2-3: Bridging a Gap Between Faint AGN and Bright Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:2105.11497)

[85] Tang, S.; Silverman, J. D.; Ding, X.; Li, J.; Lee, K.-G.; Strauss, M. A.; Goulding, A.; Schramm, M.; Kawinwanichakij, L.; Prochaska, J. X.; Hennawi, J. F.; Imanishi, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Toba, Y.; Kayo, I.; Oguri, M.; Matsuoka, Y.; Ichikawa, K.; Hartwig, T.; Kashikawa, N.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kohno, K.; Matsuda, Y.; Nagao, T.; Ono, Y.; Onoue, M.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Suh, H.; Suzuki, N.; Taniguchi, Y.; Ueda, Y.; Yasuda, N., 2021, ApJ, 922, 83 (30pp)
"Optical Spectroscopy of Dual Quasar Candidates from the Subaru HSC-SSP program"
(ADS; arXiv:2105.10163)

[84] Isobe, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Kojima, T.; Shibuya, T.; Hayashi, K.; Rauch, M.; Kikuchihara, S.; Zhang, H.; Ono, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Harikane, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Lee, C.-H.; Mawatari, K.; Onodera, M.; Sugahara, Y.; Yabe, K., 2021, ApJ, 918, 54 (14pp)
"EMPRESS. III. Morphology, Stellar Population, and Dynamics of Extremely Metal Poor Galaxies (EMPGs): Are EMPGs Local Analogs of High-z Young Galaxies?"
(ADS; arXiv:2004.11444)

[83] Kakuma, R.; Ouchi, M.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Liu, C.-H.; Matsuda, Y.; Matsuoka, Y.; Mawatari, K.; Momose, R.; Shibuya, T.; Taniguchi, Y., 2021, ApJ, 916, 22 (9pp)
"SILVERRUSH. IX. Lya Intensity Mapping with Star-Forming Galaxies at z=5.7 and 6.6: A Possible Detection of Extended Lya Emission at >100 comoving kpc around and beyond the Virial-Radius Scale of Galaxy Dark Matter Halos"
(ADS; arXiv:1906.00173)

[82] Kojima, T.; Ouchi, M.; Rauch, M.; Ono, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Isobe, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Harikane, Y.; Hashimoto, T.; Hayashi, M.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Kim, J. H.; Lee, C.-H.; Mukae, S.; Nagao, T.; Onodera, M.; Shibuya, T.; Sugahara, Y.; Umemura, M.; Yabe, K., 2021, ApJ, 913, 22 (20pp)
"EMPRESS. II. Highly Fe-Enriched Metal-poor Galaxies with ~1.0(Fe/O)sun and 0.02 (O/H)sun: Possible Traces of Super Massive (>300Msun) Stars in Early Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:2006.03831)

[81] Fujimoto, S.; Oguri, M.; Brammer, G.; Yoshimura, Y.; Laporte, N.; Gonzalez-Lopez, J.; Caminha, G. B.; Kohno, K.; Zitrin, A.; Richard, J.; Ouchi, M.; Bauer, F. E.; Smail, I.; Hatsukade, B.; Ono, Y.; Kokorev, V.; Umehata, H.; Schaerer, D.; Knudsen, K.; Sun, F.; Magdis, G.; Valentino, F.; Ao, Y.; Toft, S.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Caputi, K.; Kusakabe, H.; Morokuma-Matsui, K.; Kikuchihara, S.; Egami, E.; Lee, M. M.; Rawle, T.; Espada, D., 2021, ApJ, 911, 99 (20pp)
"ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Bright [CII] 158um Lines from a Multiply Imaged Sub-L* Galaxy at z=6.0719"
(ADS; arXiv:2101.01937)

[80] Ono, Y.; Itoh, R.; Shibuya, T.; Ouchi, M.; Harikane, Y.; Yamanaka, S.; Inoue, A. K.; Amagasa, T.; Miura, D.; Okura, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Iwata, I.; Taniguchi, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Iye, M.; Jaelani, A. T.; Kashikawa, N.; Kikuchihara, S.; Kikuta, S.; Kobayashi, M. A. R. ; Kusakabe, H.; Lee, C.-H.; Liang, Y.; Matsuoka, Y.; Momose, R.; Nagao, T.; Nakajima, K.; Tadaki, K., 2021, ApJ, 911, 78 (20pp)
"SILVERRUSH X: Machine Learning-Aided Selection of 9318 LAEs at z=2.2, 3.3, 4.9, 5.7, 6.6, and 7.0 from the HSC SSP and CHORUS Survey Data"
(ADS; arXiv:2104.02177)

[79] Inoue, A. K.; Yamanaka, S.; Ouchi, M.; Iwata, I.; Shimasaku, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Nagao, T.; Kashikawa, N.; Ono, Y.; Mawatari, K.; Shibuya, T.; Hayashi, M.; Ikeda, H.; Zhang, H.; Liang, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Hilmi, M.; Kikuta, S.; Kusakabe, H.; Furusawa, H.; Hayashino, T.; Kajisawa, M.; Matsuda, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Momose, R.; Harikane, Y.; Saito, T.; Kodama, T.; Kikuchihara, S.; Iye, M.; Goto, T., 2020, PASJ, 72, 101 (17pp)
"CHORUS. I. Cosmic HydrOgen Reionization Unveiled with Subaru: Overview"
(ADS; arXiv:2011.07211)

[78] Mukae, S.; Ouchi, M.; Hill, G. J.; Gebhardt, K.; Cooper, E. M.; Jeong, D.; Saito, S.; Fabricius, M.; Gawiser, E.; Ciardullo, R.; Farrow, D.; Davis, D.; Zeimann, G.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Gronwall, C.; Liu, C.; Zhang, Y.; Byrohl, C.; Ono, Y.; Schneider, D. P.; Jarvis, M. J.; Casey, C. M.; Mawatari, K., 2020, ApJ, 903, 24 (19pp)
"Cosmological 3D HI Gas Map with HETDEX Lya Emitters and eBOSS QSOs at z=2: IGM-Galaxy/QSO Connection and a ~40 Mpc Scale Giant HII Bubble Candidate"
(ADS; arXiv:2009.07285)

[77] Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T., 2020, ARAA, 58, 617-659 (45pp)
"Observations of the Lyman-a Universe"
(ADS; arXiv:2012.07960)

[76] Silverman, J. D.; Tang, S.; Lee, K.-G.; Hartwig, T.; Goulding, A.; Strauss, M. A.; Schramm, M.; Ding, X.; Riffel, R.; Fujimoto, S.; Hikage, C.; Imanishi, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Jahnke, K.; Kayo, I.; Kashikawa, N.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kohno, K.; Luo, W.; Matsuoka, Y.; Matsuda, Y.; Nagao, T.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Onoue, M.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Suh, H.; Suzuki, N.; Taniguchi, Y.; Toba, Y.; Ueda, Y.; Yasuda, N., 2020, ApJ, 899, 154 (12pp)
"Dual supermassive black holes at close separation revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
(ADS; arXiv:2007.05581)

[75] Kojima, T.; Ouchi, M.; Rauch, M.; Ono, Y.; Isobe, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Harikane, Y.; Hashimoto, T.; Hayashi, M.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Kim, J. H.; Lee, C.-H.; Mukae, S.; Nagao, T.; Onodera, M.; Shibuya, T.; Sugahara, Y.; Umemura, M.; Yabe, K., 2020, ApJ, 898, 142 (30pp)
"Extremely Metal-Poor Representatives Explored by the Subaru Survey (EMPRESS). I. A Successful Machine Learning Selection of Metal-Poor Galaxies and the Discovery of a Galaxy with Mstar<106Msun and 0.017Zsun"
(ADS; arXiv:1910.08559)

[74] Yamashita, T.; Nagao, T.; Ikeda, H.; Toba, Y.; Kajisawa, M.; Ono, Y.; Tanaka, M.; Akiyama, M.; Harikane, Y.; Ichikawa, K.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kawamuro, T.; Kohno, K.; Lee, C.-H.; Lee, K.; Matsuoka, Y.; Niida, M.; Ogura, K.; Onoue, M.; Uchiyama, H., 2020, AJ, 160, 60 (8pp)
"A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). III. Discovery of a z=4.72 Radio Galaxy with the Lyman Break Technique"
(ADS; arXiv:2006.04844)

[73] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Inoue, A. K.; Matsuoka, Y.; Tamura, Y.; Bakx, T.; Fujimoto, S.; Moriwaki, K.; Ono, Y.; Nagao, T.; Tadaki, K.; Kojima, T.; Shibuya, T.; Egami, E.; Ferrara, A.; Gallerani, S.; Hashimoto, T.; Kohno, K.; Matsuda, Y.; Matsuo, H.; Pallottini, A.; Sugahara, Y.; Vallini, L., 2020, ApJ, 896, 93 (19pp)
"Large Population of ALMA Galaxies at z>6 with Very High [OIII]88um to [CII]158um Flux Ratios: Evidence of Extremely High Ionization Parameter or PDR Deficit?"
(ADS; arXiv:1910.10927)

[72] Mukae, S.; Ouchi, M.; Cai, Z.; Lee, K.-G.; Prochaska, J. X.; Cantalupo, S.; Zheng, Z.; Nagamine, K.; Suzuki, N.; Silverman, J. D.; Misawa, T.; Inoue, A. K.; Hennawi, J. F.; Matsuda, Y.; Mawatari, K.; Sugahara, Y.; Kojima, T.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Harikane, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Chiang, Y.-K.; Zhang, H.; Kakuma, R., 2020, ApJ, 896, 45 (11pp)
"3D Distribution Map of HI Gas and Galaxies Around an Enormous Lya Nebula and Three QSOs at z=2.3 Revealed by the HI Tomographic Mapping Technique"
(ADS; arXiv:1910.02962)

[71] Kikuchihara, S.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Mawatari, K.; Chevallard, J.; Harikane, Y.; Kojima, T.; Oguri, M.; Bruzual, G.; Charlot, S., 2020, ApJ, 893, 60 (12pp)
"Early Low-Mass Galaxies and Star-Cluster Candidates at z~6-9 Identified by the Gravitational Lensing Technique and Deep Optical/Near-Infrared Imaging"
(ADS; arXiv:1905.06927)

[70] Zhang, H.; Ouchi, M.; Itoh, R.; Shibuya, T.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Rauch, M.; Kikuchihara, S.; Nakajima, K.; Yajima, H.; Arata, S.; Abe, M.; Iwata, I.; Kashikawa, N.; Kawanomoto, S.; Kikuta, S.; Kobayashi, M.; Kusakabe, H.; Mawatari, K.; Nagao, T.; Shimasaku, K.; Taniguchi, Y., 2020, ApJ, 891, 177 (14pp)
"CHORUS. III. Photometric and Spectroscopic Properties of Lya Blobs at z=4.9-7.0"
(ADS; arXiv:1905.09841)

[69] Mawatari, K.; Inoue, A. K.; Hashimoto, T.; Silverman, J.; Kajisawa, M.; Yamanaka, S.; Yamada, T.; Davidzon, I.; Capak, P.; Lin, L.; Hsieh, B.-C.; Taniguchi, Y.; Tanaka, M.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Sugahara, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Nagao, T., 2020, ApJ, 889, 137 (20pp)
"Balmer Break Galaxy Candidates at z∼6: A Potential View on the Star Formation Activity at z>14"
(ADS; arXiv:1912.10954)

[68] Aihara, H., et al. (HSC SSP collaboration), 2019, PASJ, 71, 114 (25pp)
"Second Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
(ADS; arXiv:1905.12221)

[67] Kubo, M.; Toshikawa, J.; Kashikawa, N.; Chiang, Y.-K.; Overzier, R.; Uchiyama, H.; Clements, D. L.; Alexander, D. M.; Matsuda, Y.; Kodama, T.; Ono, Y.; Goto, T.; Cheng, T.-A.; Ito, K., 2019, ApJ, 887, 214 (20pp)
"Planck Far-infrared Detection of Hyper Suprime-Cam Protoclusters at z~4: Hidden AGN and Star Formation Activity"
(ADS; arXiv:1911.09368)

[66] Sawicki, M.; Arnouts, S.; Huang, J.; Coupon, J.; Golob, A.; Gwyn, S.; Foucaud, S.; Moutard, T.; Iwata, I.; Liu, C.; Chen, L.; Desprez, G.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Strauss, M. A.; Tanaka, M.; Thibert, N.; Balogh, M.; Bundy, K.; Chapman, S.; Gunn, J. E.; Hsieh, B.-C.; Ilbert, O.; Jing, Y.; LeFevre, O.; Li, C.; Matsuda, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Nagao, T.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Silverman, J.; de la Torre, S.; Tresse, L.; Wang, W.-H.; Willott, C. J.; Yamada, T.; Yang, X.; Yee, H. K. C., 2019, MNRAS, 489, 5202-5217 (16pp)
"The CFHT large area U-band deep survey (CLAUDS)"
(ADS; arXiv:1909.05898)

[65] Matsuoka, Y.; Iwasawa, K.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Strauss, M. A.; Lee, C.-H.; Imanishi, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kato, N.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Koyama, S.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Noboriguchi, A.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.-J.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yamashita, T., 2019, ApJ, 883, 183 (15pp)
"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). X. Discovery of 35 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7<z<7.0"
(ADS; arXiv:1908.07910)

[64] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Fujimoto, S.; Donevski, D.; Shibuya, T.; Faisst, A. L.; Goto, T.; Hatsukade, B.; Kashikawa, N.; Kohno, K.; Hashimoto, T.; Higuchi, R.; Inoue, A. K.; Lin, Y.-T.; Martin, C. L.; Overzier, R.; Smail, I.; Toshikawa, J.; Umehata, H.; Ao, Y.; Chapman, S.; Clements, D. L.; Im, M.; Jing, Y.; Kawaguchi, T.; Lee, C.-H.; Lee, M. M.; Lin, L.; Matsuoka, Y.; Marinello, M.; Nagao, T.; Onodera, M.; Toft, S.; Wang, W.-H., 2019, ApJ, 883, 142 (16pp)
"SILVERRUSH. VIII. Spectroscopic Identifications of Early Large Scale Structures with Protoclusters Over 200 Mpc at z~6-7: Strong Associations of Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:1902.09555)

[63] Hashimoto, T.; Inoue, A. K.; Mawatari, K.; Tamura, Y.; Matsuo, H.; Furusawa, H.; Harikane, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Knudsen, K. K.; Kohno, K.; Ono, Y.; Zackrisson, E.; Okamoto, T.; Kashikawa, N.; Oesch, P. A.; Ouchi, M.; Ota, K.; Shimizu, I.; Taniguchi, Y.; Umehata, H.; Watson, D., 2019, PASJ, 71, 71 (23pp)
""Big Three Dragons": a z=7.15 Lyman Break Galaxy Detected in [OIII] 88um, [CII] 158um, and Dust Continuum with ALMA"
(ADS; arXiv:1806.00486)

[62] Higuchi, R.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Toshikawa, J.; Harikane, Y.; Kojima, T.; Chiang, Y.-K.; Egami, E.; Kashikawa, N.; Overzier, R.; Konno, A.; Inoue, A. K.; Hasegawa, K.; Fujimoto, S.; Goto, T.; Ishikawa, S.; Ito, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Tanaka, M., 2019, ApJ, 879, 28 (15pp)
"SILVERRUSH. VII. Subaru/HSC Identifications of Protocluster Candidates at z~6-7: Implications for Cosmic Reionization"
(ADS; arXiv:1801.00531)

[61] Matsuoka, Y.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Strauss, M. A.; Iwasawa, K.; Lee, C.-H.; Imanishi, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kato, N.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Koyama, S.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Noboriguchi, A.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Shirakata, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.-J.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yamashita, T., 2019, ApJ, 872, L2 (6pp)
"Discovery of the First Low-luminosity Quasar at z>7"
(ADS; arXiv:1901.10487)

[60] Matsuoka, Y.; Strauss, M. A.; Kashikawa, N.; Onoue, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Tang, J.-J.; Lee, C.-H.; Imanishi, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kato, N.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Noboriguchi, A.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Shirakata, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yamashita, T., 2018, ApJ, 869, 150 (15pp)
"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). V. Quasar Luminosity Function and Contribution to Cosmic Reionization at z=6"
(ADS; arXiv:1811.01963)

[59] Itoh, R.; Ouchi, M.; Zhang, H.; Inoue, A. K.; Mawatari, K.; Shibuya, T.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Shimasaku, K.; Fujimoto, S.; Iwata, I.; Kajisawa, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Kawanomoto, S.; Komiyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Nagao, T.; Taniguchi, Y., 2018, ApJ, 867, 46 (13pp)
"CHORUS II. Subaru/HSC Determination of the Lya Luminosity Function at z=7.0: Constraints on Cosmic Reionization Model Parameter"
(ADS; arXiv:1805.05944)

[58] Matsuoka, Y.; Iwasawa, K.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Strauss, M. A.; Lee, C.-H.; Imanishi, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kato, N.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Shirakata, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.-J.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yamashita, T., 2018, ApJS, 237, 5 (17pp)
"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). IV. Discovery of 41 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7<z<6.9"
(ADS; arXiv:1803.01861)

[57] Inoue, A. K.; Hasegawa, K.; Ishiyama, T.; Yajima, H.; Shimizu, I.; Umemura, M.; Konno, A.; Harikane, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Ono, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Higuchi, R.; Lee, C.-H., 2018, PASJ, 70, 55 (30pp)
"SILVERRUSH. VI. A simulation of Lya emitters in the reionization epoch and a comparison with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey early data"
(ADS; arXiv:1801.00067)

[56] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Shibuya, T.; Kojima, T.; Zhang, H.; Itoh, R.; Ono, Y.; Higuchi, R.; Inoue, A. K.; Chevallard, J.; Capak, P. L.; Nagao, T.; Onodera, M.; Faisst, A. L.; Martin, C. L.; Bruzual, G. A.; Charlot, S.; Davidzon, I.; Fujimoto, S.; Hilmi, M.; Ilbert, O.; Lee, C.-H.; Matsuoka, Y.; Silverman, J. D.; Toft, S., 2018, ApJ, 859, 84 (21pp)
"SILVERRUSH. V. Census of Lya, [OIII]5007, Ha, and [CII]158um Line Emission with ~1000 LAEs at z=4.9-7.0 Revealed with Subaru/HSC"
(ADS; arXiv:1711.03735)

[55] Ishigaki, M.; Kawamata, R.; Ouchi, M.; Oguri, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Ono, Y., 2018, ApJ, 854, 73 (20pp)
"Full-Data Results of Hubble Frontier Fields: UV Luminosity Functions at z~6-10 and a Consistent Picture of Cosmic Reionization"
(ADS; arXiv:1702.04867)

[54] Matsuoka, Y.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Iwasawa, K.; Strauss, M. A.; Nagao, T.; Imanishi, M.; Lee, C.-H.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Foucaud, S.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Izumi, T.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kikuta, S.; Kohno, K.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; Murayama, H.; Niida, M.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Schulze, A.; Shirakata, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.-J.; Toba, Y.; Utsumi, Y.; Wang, S.-Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S35 (23pp)
"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). II. Discovery of 32 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7<z<6.8"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.05854)

[53] Akiyama, M.; He, W.; Ikeda, H.; Niida, M.; Nagao, T.; Bosch, J.; Coupon, J.; Enoki, M.; Imanishi, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Kawaguchi, T.; Komiyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Matsuoka, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Onoue, M.; Ouchi, M.; Schulze, A.; Silverman, J. D.; Tanaka, M. M.; Tanaka, M.; Terashima, Y.; Toba, Y.; Ueda, Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S34 (28pp)
"The Quasar Luminosity Function at Redshift 4 with Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.05996)

[52] Uchiyama, H.; Toshikawa, J.; Kashikawa, N.; Overzier, R.; Chiang, Y.-K.; Tanaka, M.; Niino, Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Onoue, M.; Ichikawa, K.; Akiyama, M.; Coupon, J.; Harikane, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Kodama, T.; Komiyama, Y.; Lee, C.-H.; Lin, Y.-T.; Miyazaki, S.; Nagao, T.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Strauss, M.; Wang, S.-Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S32 (14pp)
"Luminous Quasars Do Not Live in the Most Overdense Regions of Galaxies at z~4"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.06050)

[51] Konno, A.; Ouchi, M.; Shibuya, T.; Ono, Y.; Shimasaku, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Nagao, T.; Kobayashi, M. A. R.; Kajisawa, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Inoue, A. K.; Oguri, M.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Harikane, Y.; Higuchi, R.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Miyazaki, S.; Nakajima, K.; Wang, S.-Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S16 (21pp)
"SILVERRUSH. IV. Lya Luminosity Functions at z=5.7 and 6.6 Studied with ~2,000 LAEs on the 14-21 deg2 Sky"
(ADS; arXiv:1705.01222)

[50] Shibuya, T.; Ouchi, M.; Harikane, Y.; Rauch, M.; Ono, Y.; Mukae, S.; Higuchi, R.; Kojima, T.; Yuma, S.; Lee, C.-H.; Furusawa, H.; Konno, A.; Martin, C. L.; Shimasaku, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Kobayashi, M. A. R.; Kajisawa, M.; Nagao, T.; Goto, T.; Kashikawa, N.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Momose, R.; Nakajima, K.; Tanaka, M.; Wang, S.-Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S15 (23pp)
"SILVERRUSH. III. Deep Optical and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Lya and UV-Nebular Lines of Bright Lya Emitters at z=6-7"
(ADS; arXiv:1705.00733)

[49] Shibuya, T.; Ouchi, M.; Konno, A.; Higuchi, R.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y.; Shimasaku, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Kobayashi, M. A. R.; Kajisawa, M.; Nagao, T.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Kashikawa, N.; Komiyama, Y.; Kusakabe, H.; Lee, C.-H.; Momose, R.; Nakajima, K.; Tanaka, M.; Wang, S.-Y.; Yuma, S., 2018, PASJ, 70, S14 (20pp)
"SILVERRUSH. II. First Catalogs and Properties of ~2,000 Lya Emitters and Blobs at z~6-7 Identified over the 14-21 deg2 Sky"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.08140)

[48] Ouchi, M.; Harikane, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Shimasaku, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Konno, A.; Kobayashi, M.; Kajisawa, M.; Nagao, T.; Ono, Y.; Inoue, A. K.; Umemura, M.; Mori, M.; Hasegawa, K.; Higuchi, R.; Komiyama, Y.; Matsuda, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Saito, T.; Wang, S.-Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S13 (16pp)
"Systematic Identification of LAEs for Visible Exploration and Reionization Research Using Subaru HSC (SILVERRUSH). I. Program Strategy and Clustering Properties of ~2,000 Lya Emitters at z=6-7 over the 0.3-0.5 Gpc2 Survey Area"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.07455)

[47] Toshikawa, J.; Uchiyama, H.; Kashikawa, N.; Ouchi, M.; Overzier, R.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Kodama, T.; Matsuda, Y.; Lin, Y.-T.; Onoue, M.; Tanaka, M.; Nagao, T.; Akiyama, M.; Komiyama, Y.; Goto, T.; Lee, C.-H., 2018, PASJ, 70, S12 (11pp)
"GOLDRUSH. III. A Systematic Search of Protoclusters at z~4 Based on the >100 deg2 Area"
(ADS; arXiv:1708.09421)

[46] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Saito, S.; Behroozi, P.; More, S.; Shimasaku, K.; Toshikawa, J.; Lin, Y.-T.; Akiyama, M.; Coupon, J.; Komiyama, Y.; Konno, A.; Lin, S.-C.; Miyazaki, S.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Shibuya, T.; Silverman, J., 2018, PASJ, 70, S11 (27pp)
"GOLDRUSH. II. Clustering of Galaxies at z~4-6 Revealed with the Half-Million Dropouts Over the 100 deg2 Area Corresponding to 1 Gpc3"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.06535)

[45] Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Harikane, Y.; Toshikawa, J.; Rauch, M.; Yuma, S.; Sawicki, M.; Shibuya, T.; Shimasaku, K.; Oguri, M.; Willott, C.; Akhlaghi, M.; Akiyama, M.; Coupon, J.; Kashikawa, N.; Komiyama, Y.; Konno, A.; Lin, L.; Matsuoka, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Nagao, T.; Nakajima, K.; Silverman, J.; Tanaka, M.; Wang, S.-Y., 2018, PASJ, 70, S10 (29pp)
"Great Optically Luminous Dropout Research Using Subaru HSC (GOLDRUSH). I. UV Luminosity Functions at z~4-7 Derived with the Half-Million Dropouts on the 100 deg2 Sky"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.06004)

[44] Aihara, H., et al. (HSC SSP collaboration), 2018, PASJ, 70, S8 (34pp)
"First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program"
(ADS; arXiv:1702.08449)

[43] Aihara, H., et al. (HSC SSP collaboration), 2018, PASJ, 70, S4 (15pp)
"The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design"
(ADS; arXiv:1704.05858)

[42] Sugahara, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Lin, L.; Martin, C. L.; Ono, Y.; Harikane, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Yan, R., 2017, ApJ, 850, 51 (14pp)
"Evolution of Galactic Outflows at z~0-2 Revealed with SDSS, DEEP2, and Keck spectra"
(ADS; arXiv:1703.01885)

[41] Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Willott, C. J.; Hibon, P.; Im, M.; Furusawa, H.; Harikane, Y.; Imanishi, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Kikuta, S.; Matsuoka, Y.; Nagao, T.; Niino, Y.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.-J.; Toshikawa, J.; Uchiyama, H., 2017, ApJL, 847, L15 (6pp)
"Minor Contribution of Quasars to Ionizing Photon Budget at z~6: Update on Quasar Luminosity Function at the Faint End with Subaru/Suprime-Cam"
(ADS; arXiv:1709.04413)

[40] Kojima, T.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Shibuya, T.; Harikane, Y.; Ono, Y., 2017, PASJ, 69, 44 (21pp)
"Evolution of N/O Abundance Ratios and Ionization Parameters from z~0 to 2 Investigated by the Direct Temperature Method"
(ADS; arXiv:1605.03436)

[39] More, A.; Lee, C.-H.; Oguri, M.; Ono, Y.; Suyu, S. H.; Chan, J. H. H.; Silverman, J. D.; More, S.; Schulze, A.; Komiyama, Y.; Matsuoka, Y.; Miyazaki, S.; Nagao, T.; Ouchi, M.; Tait, P. J.; Tanaka, M. M.; Tanaka, M.; Usuda, T.; Yasuda, N., 2017, MNRAS, 465, 2411-2419 (9pp)
"A new quadruple gravitational lens from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey: the dilemma of HSC J115252+004733"
(ADS; arXiv:1608.06288)

[38] Hashimoto, T.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Schaerer, D.; Nakajima, K.; Shibuya, T.; Ono, Y.; Rauch, M.; Goto, R., 2017, MNRAS, 465, 1543-1562 (20pp)
"Lya Emitters with Very Large Lya Equivalent Widths EW_0(Lya) = 200-400 A at z~2"
(ADS; arXiv:1611.00777)

[37] Mukae, S.; Ouchi, M.; Kakiichi, K.; Suzuki, N.; Ono, Y.; Cai, Z.; Inoue, A. K.; Chiang, Y.-K.; Shibuya, T.; Matsuda, Y., 2017, ApJ, 835, 281 (12pp)
"Cosmic Galaxy-IGM HI Relation at z~2-3 Probed in the COSMOS/UltraVISTA 1.6 deg2 Field"
(ADS; arXiv:1605.00379)

[36] Matsuoka, Y.; Onoue, M.; Kashikawa, N.; Iwasawa, K.; Strauss, M. A.; Nagao, T.; Imanishi, M.; Niida, M.; Toba, Y.; Akiyama, M.; Asami, N.; Bosch, J.; Foucaud, S.; Furusawa, H.; Goto, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harikane, Y.; Ikeda, H.; Kawaguchi, T.; Kikuta, S.; Komiyama, Y.; Lupton, R. H.; Minezaki, T.; Miyazaki, S.; Morokuma, T.; Murayama, H.; Nishizawa, A. J.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Price, P. A.; Sameshima, H.; Silverman, J. D.; Sugiyama, N.; Tait, P. J.; Takada, M.; Takata, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, J.-J.; Utsumi, Y., 2016, ApJ, 828, 26 (14pp)
"Subaru high-z exploration of low-luminosity quasars (SHELLQs). I. Discovery of 15 quasars and bright galaxies at 5.7<z<6.9"
(ADS; arXiv:1603.02281)

[35] Konno, A.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Duval, F.; Kusakabe, H.; Ono, Y.; Shimasaku, K., 2016, ApJ, 823, 20 (17pp)
"Bright and Faint Ends of Lya Luminosity Functions at z=2 Determined by the Subaru Survey: Implications for AGN, Magnification Bias, and ISM HI Evolution"
(ADS; arXiv:1512.01854)

[34] Momose, R.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Shimasaku, K.; Yuma, S.; Mori, M.; Umemura, M., 2016, MNRAS, 457, 2318-2330 (13pp)
"Statistical Properties of Diffuse Lyman-alpha Halos around Star-forming Galaxies at z~2"
(ADS; arXiv:1509.09001)

[33] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; More, S.; Saito, S.; Lin, Y.-T.; Coupon, J.; Shimasaku, K.; Shibuya, T.; Price, P. A.; Lin, L.; Hsieh, B.-C.; Ishigaki, M.; Komiyama, Y.; Silverman, J.; Takata, T.; Tamazawa, H.; Toshikawa, J., 2016, ApJ, 821, 123 (23pp)
"Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z=0-7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data"
(ADS; arXiv:1511.07873)

[32] Fujimoto, S.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Ishigaki, M.; Nagai, H.; Momose, R., 2016, ApJS, 222, 1 (28pp)
"ALMA Census of Faint 1.2 mm Sources Down to ~0.02 mJy: Extragalactic Background Light and Dust-Poor High-z Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:1505.03523)

[31] Hashimoto, T.; Verhamme, A.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Schaerer, D.; Nakajima, K.; Shibuya, T.; Rauch, M.; Ono, Y.; Goto, R., 2015, ApJ, 812, 157 (22pp)
"A Close Comparison between Observed and Modeled Lya Lines for z~2.2 Lyman Alpha Emitters"
(ADS; arXiv:1504.03693)

[30] de los Reyes, M. A.; Ly, C.; Lee, J. C.; Salim, S.; Peeples, M. S.; Momcheva, I.; Feddersen, J.; Dale, D. A.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Finn, R., 2015, AJ, 149, 79 (23pp)
"The Relationship between Stellar Mass, Gas Metallicity, and Star Formation Rate for Ha-selected Galaxies at z~=0.8 from the NewHa Survey"
(ADS; arXiv:1410.1551)

[29] Ishigaki, M.; Kawamata, R.; Ouchi, M.; Oguri, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Ono, Y., 2015, ApJ, 799, 12 (21pp)
"Hubble Frontier Fields First Complete Cluster Data: Faint Galaxies at z ~ 5-10 for UV Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Reionization"
(ADS; arXiv:1408.6903)

[28] Konno, A.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Shimasaku, K.; Shibuya, T.; Furusawa, H.; Nakajima, K.; Naito, Y.; Momose, R.; Yuma, S.; Iye, M., 2014, ApJ, 797, 16 (15pp)
"Accelerated Evolution of Lya Luminosity Function at z>~7 Revealed by the Subaru Ultra-Deep Survey for Lya Emitters at z=7.3"
(ADS; arXiv:1404.6066)

[27] Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Kurono, Y.; Momose, R., 2014, ApJ, 795, 5 (17pp)
"Faint Submillimeter Galaxies Revealed by Multifield Deep ALMA Observations: Number Counts, Spatial Clustering, and A Dark Submillimeter Line Emitter"
(ADS; arXiv:1403.4360)

[26] Harikane, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Yuma, S.; Rauch, M.; Nakajima, K.; Ono, Y., 2014, ApJ, 794, 129 (12pp)
"MOSFIRE and LDSS3 Spectroscopy for an [OII] Blob at z=1.18: Gas Outflow and Energy Source"
(ADS; arXiv:1406.7052)

[25] Momose, R.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Ono, Y.; Shibuya, T.; Shimasaku, K.; Yuma, S.; Mori, M.; Umemura, M., 2014, MNRAS, 442, 110 (11pp)
"Diffuse Lya Halos around Galaxies at z=2.2-6.6: Implications for Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Reionization"
(ADS; arXiv:1403.0732)

[24] Shibuya, T.; Ouchi, M.; Nakajima, K.; Hashimoto, T.; Ono, Y.; Rauch, M.; Gauthier, J.-R.; Shimasaku, K.; Goto, R.; Mori, M.; Umemura, M., 2014, ApJ, 788, 74 (14pp)
"What is the physical origin of strong Lya emission? II. Gas Kinematics and Distribution of Lya Emitters"
(ADS; arXiv:1402.1168)

[23] Yuma, S.; Ouchi, M.; Drake, A. B.; Simpson, C.; Shimasaku, K.; Nakajima, K.; Ono, Y.; Momose, R.; Mori, M.; Umemura, M., 2013, ApJ, 779, 53 (12pp)
"First Volume-Limited Search for Oxygen-Line Blobs at High Redshift: Uncovering AGN Feedback and Star-Formation Quenching"
(ADS; arXiv:1306.5246)

[22] Ouchi, M.; Ellis, R.; Ono, Y.; Nakanishi, K.; Kohno, K.; Momose, R.; Kurono, Y.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Shimasaku, K.; Willner, S. P.; Fazio, G. G.; Tamura, Y.; Iono, D., 2013, ApJ, 778, 102 (12pp)
"An Intensely Star-Forming Galaxy at z~7 with Low Dust and Metal Content Revealed by Deep ALMA and HST Observations"
(ADS; arXiv:1306.3572)

[21] Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Schenker, M. A.; Ellis, R. S.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Robertson, B. E.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Rogers, A. B.; Schneider, E.; Charlot, S.; Stark, D. P.; Shimasaku, K.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Cirasuolo, M., 2013, ApJ, 777, 155 (13pp)
"Evolution of the Sizes of Galaxies over 7<z<12 Revealed by the 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Campaign"
(ADS; arXiv:1212.3869)

[20] Koekemoer, A. M.; Ellis, R. S.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Robertson, B. E.; Ono, Y.; Schenker, M. A.; Ouchi, M.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Rogers, A. B.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Schneider, E.; Charlot, S.; Stark, D. P.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Cirasuolo, M.; Wild, V.; Targett, T., 2013, ApJS, 209, 3 (14pp)
"The 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF12): Observational Overview"
(ADS; arXiv:1212.1448)

[19] Drake, A. B.; Simpson, C.; Collins, C. A.; James, P. A.; Baldry, I. K.; Ouchi, M.; Jarvis, M. J.; Bonfield, D. G.; Ono, Y.; Best, P. N.; Dalton, G. B.; Dunlop, J. S.; McLure, R. J.; Smith, D. J. B., 2013, MNRAS, 433, 796-811 (16pp)
"Evolution of Star Formation in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Field - I. Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star Formation Rate out to z=1.6"
(ADS; arXiv:1305.1305)

[18] Dunlop, J. S.; Rogers, A. B.; McLure, R. J.; Ellis, R. S.; Robertson, B. E.; Koekemoer, A.; Dayal, P.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Wild, V.; Charlot, S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Schenker, M. A.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Cirasuolo, M.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Stark, D. P.; Targett, T. A.; Schneider, E., 2013, MNRAS, 432, 3520-3533 (14pp)
"The UV continua and inferred stellar populations of galaxies at z~7-9 revealed by the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012 campaign"
(ADS; arXiv:1212.0860)

[17] McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Schenker, M.; Ellis, R. S.; Robertson, B. E.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Rogers, A. B.; Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Charlot, S.; Wild, V.; Stark, D. P.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Cirasuolo, M.; Targett, T. A., 2013, MNRAS, 432, 2696-2716 (21pp)
"A new multi-field determination of the galaxy luminosity function at z=7-9 incorporating the 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field imaging"
(ADS; arXiv:1212.5222)

[16] Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Hashimoto, T.; Ono, Y.; Lee, J. C., 2013, ApJ, 769, 3 (18pp)
"First Spectroscopic Evidence for High Ionization State and Low Oxygen Abundance in Lya Emitters"
(ADS; arXiv:1208.3260)

[15] Schenker, M. A.; Robertson, B. E.; Ellis, R. S.; Ono, Y.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Koekemoer, A.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Ouchi, M.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Rogers, A. B.; Schneider, E.; Charlot, S.; Stark, D. P.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Cirasuolo, M., 2013, ApJ, 768, 196 (14pp)
"The UV Luminosity Function of star-forming galaxies via dropout selection at redshifts z ~ 7 and 8 from the 2012 Ultra Deep Field campaign"
(ADS; arXiv:1212.4819)

[14] Robertson, B. E.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Schneider, E.; Charlot, S.; Ellis, R. S.; Stark, D. P.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Koekemoer, A.; Schenker, M. A.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Rogers, A. B.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Cirasuolo, M., 2013, ApJ, 768, 71 (17pp)
"New Constraints on Cosmic Reionization from the 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Campaign"
(ADS; arXiv:1301.1228)

[13] Hashimoto, T.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Ono, Y.; Nakajima, K.; Rauch, M.; Lee, J.; Okamura, S., 2013, ApJ, 765, 70 (15pp)
"Gas Motion Statistics of Lya Emitters at z~2 Using UV and Optical Emission Lines"
(ADS; arXiv:1206.2316)

[12] Momcheva, I.; Lee, J. C.; Ly, C.; Salim, S.; Dale, D. A.; Ouchi, M.; Finn, R.; Ono, Y., 2013, AJ, 145, 47 (23pp)
"Nebular Attenuation in Ha-selected Star-forming Galaxies at z=0.8 from the NewHa Survey"
(ADS; arXiv:1207.5479)

[11] Ellis, R. S.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Robertson, B. E.; Ono, Y.; Schenker, M. A.; Koekemoer, A.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Ouchi, M.; Rogers, A. B.; Curtis-Lake, E.; Schneider, E.; Charlot, S.; Stark, D. P.; Furlanetto, S. R.; Cirasuolo, M., 2013, ApJL, 763, L7 (6pp)
"The Abundance of Star-Forming Galaxies in the Redshift Range 8.5 to 12: New Results from the 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Campaign"
(ADS; arXiv:1211.6804)

[10] Matsuda, Y.; Yamada, T.; Hayashino, T.; Yamauchi, R.; Nakamura, Y.; Morimoto, N.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Umemura, M.; Mori, M., 2012, MNRAS, 425, 878-883 (6pp)
"Diffuse Lyman Alpha Haloes around Lyman Alpha Emitters at z=3: Do Dark Matter Distributions Determine the Lyman Alpha Spatial Extents?"
(ADS; arXiv:1204.4934)

[9] Nakajima, K.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Ono, Y.; Lee, J. C.; Foucaud, S.; Ly, C.; Dale, D. A.; Salim, S.; Finn, R.; Almaini, O.; Okamura, S., 2012, ApJ, 745, 12 (19pp)
"Average Metallicity and Star Formation Rate of Lya Emitters Probed by a Triple Narrow-Band Survey"
(ADS; arXiv:1105.2824)

[8] Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Mobasher, B.; Dickinson, M.; Penner, K.; Shimasaku, K.; Weiner, B. J.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Nakajima, K.; Nayyeri, H.; Stern, D.; Kashikawa, N.; Spinrad, H., 2012, ApJ, 744, 83 (13pp)
"Spectroscopic Confirmation of Three z-Dropout Galaxies at z=6.844-7.213: Demographics of Lyman-Alpha Emission in z~7 Galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:1107.3159)

[7] Matsuda, Y.; Yamada, T.; Hayashino, T.; Yamauchi, R.; Nakamura, Y.; Morimoto, N.; Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Kousai, K.; Nakamura, E.; Horie, M.; Fujii, T.; Umemura, M.; Mori, M., 2011, MNRAS, 410, L13-L17 (5pp)
"The Subaru Ly-alpha blob survey: A sample of 100 kpc Ly-alpha blobs at z=3"
(ADS; arXiv:1010.2877)

[6] Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Dunlop, J.; Farrah, D.; McLure, R.; Okamura, S., 2010, ApJ, 724, 1524-1535 (12pp)
"Stellar Populations of Lyman Alpha Emitters at z~6-7: Constraints on the Escape Fraction of Ionizing Photons from Galaxy Building Blocks"
(ADS; arXiv:1004.0963)

[5] Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Furusawa, H.; Saito, T.; Yoshida, M.; Akiyama, M.; Ono, Y.; Yamada, T.; Ota, K.; Kashikawa, N.; Iye, M.; Kodama, T.; Okamura, S.; Simpson, C.; Yoshida, M., 2010, ApJ, 723, 869-894 (26pp)
"Statistics of 207 Lya Emitters at a Redshift Near 7: Constraints on Reionization and Galaxy Formation Models"
(ADS; arXiv:1007.2961)

[4] Ono, Y.; Ouchi, M.; Shimasaku, K.; Akiyama, M.; Dunlop, J.; Farrah, D.; Lee, J. C.; McLure, R.; Okamura, S.; Yoshida, M., 2010, MNRAS, 402, 1580-1598 (19pp)
"Stellar Populations of Lyman Alpha Emitters at z = 3 - 4 Based on Deep Large Area Surveys in the Subaru-SXDS/UKIDSS-UDS Field"
(ADS; arXiv:0911.2544)

[3] Ouchi, M.; Mobasher, B.; Shimasaku, K.; Ferguson, H. C.; Fall, S. M.; Ono, Y.; Kashikawa, N.; Morokuma, T.; Nakajima, K.; Okamura, S.; Dickinson, M.; Giavalisco, M.; Ohta, K., 2009, ApJ, 706, 1136-1151 (16pp)
"Large Area Survey for z=7 Galaxies in SDF and GOODS-N: Implications for Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Reionization"
(ADS; arXiv:0908.3191)

[2] Ouchi, M.; Ono, Y.; Egami, E.; Saito, T.; Oguri, M.; McCarthy, P.J.; Farrah, D.; Kashikawa, N.; Momcheva, I.; Shimasaku, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Furusawa, H.; Akiyama, M.; Dunlop, J.S.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Okamura, S.; Hayashi, M.; Cirasuolo, M.; Dressler, A.; Iye, M.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kodama, T.; Martin, C.L.; McLure, R.J.; Ohta, K.; Yamada, T.; and Yoshida, M., 2009, ApJ, 696, 1164-1175 (12pp)
"Discovery of a Giant Lya Emitter Near the Reionization Epoch"
(ADS; arXiv:0807.4174)

[1] Takagi, T.; Ono, Y.; Shimasaku, K.; and Hanami, H., 2008, MNRAS, 389, 775-786 (12pp)
"A close relationship at z~2: submillimetre galaxies and BzK-selected galaxies"
(ADS; arXiv:0806.0888)


[2] Ono, Y., 2012, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1480, FIRST STARS IV - FROM HAYASHI TO THE FUTURE, 277-280
"Spectroscopic confirmation of three z-dropout galaxies at z = 6.844-7.213: Demographics of Lya emission in z~7 galaxies"

[1] Ono, Y.; Shimasaku, K.; Ouchi, M.; Yoshida, M.; Akiyama, M.; Okamura, S., 2008, ASP Conference Series, 399, Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution, 294-295
"Near Infrared Photometry of Lyman Alpha Emitters at z=3.1 and 3.7 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field"