ICRR Library
The Institute for Cosmic Ray Research Library, The University of Tokyo
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba Pref., 277-8581, Japan
tel: +81-471363210, fax: +81-471363218, e-mail: issp-lib@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Library news
- Occasional closures may occur.
- Please email or call ahead for confirmation if you're from another department or an external visitor.
- Service suspensions, including electronic journals
- → Please refer to Literacy news.
- Request preprint numbers
- Please contact the library via email. The library will send a form for number submission. You can also apply at the library counter as usual.
Publications of ICRR
- Other Publications
- * Includes ICRR Catalogue, Annual report.
- YITP Library, Kyoto University
- NAOJ library, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- KEK Reports & Library, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
- Conferences and HEP Community, The CERN Directory
- The Institute for Cosmic Ray Research
- Kashiwa campus
- The University of Tokyo
- List of the University of Tokyo libraries
- Searching for books or journals
- Searching for articles
- Pre-prints・e-journals
- E-books
- International Tables for Crystallography v.A~G *
- Landolt-Bornstein *
- Lecture Notes in Physics (1969-2004) *
- 化学書資料館(Jikken kagaku koza)*
- Rika nenpyo *
- Databases
- INSPIRE(旧 SPIRES Database)
- NASA-ADS(NASA Astrophysics data system)
- AIP Sitation *
- CERN Document Server
- Literacy(Searching for databases)
- Access from off-campus
- Bibliographic tools
- RefWorks * [How to use]
- EndNote Web * [How to use]
Databases and e-journals