Opening Hours
- Counter Service Hours
- Weekdays: 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM (Closed from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM)
- Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, year-end, and New Year's. Temporary closures may occur. (For the latest updates, contact via phone or email.)
- Evening and Weekend Access
- ICRR members can access the library using card authentication (24/7).
- Required: Faculty or student ID card.
User registration
- Faculty, Researchers
- Registration is required.
- Documents needed: Application form, Faculty ID card
- Submission:ICRR Library counter (not accepted at other libraries)
- Graduate Students
- Borrowing, Returning, and Requesting books from other University of Tokyo campuses
No procedures are required. Can be used directly with a student ID card.
- Photocopying of documents and use of 'PDF' services from other library
An application for use is required for the first time.
Documents needed: Application form, Student ID card.
Submission:ICRR Library counter (not accepted at other libraries)
- Other status
- Contact the ICRR Library counter for inquiries.
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Book Borrowing
- Items available: Books (Bound journals and specially designated items are not available for borrowing)
- Limit: 5 books.
- Lending period: 1 month.
- Requires: Faculty or student ID card.
- Service hours: 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
- ICRR Library Books
- Return at the counter during service hours.
- After hours, use the book return box in the library.
- Also accepted at Kashiwa Library and other libraries of the University of Tokyo.
- Books from other libraries on the Kashiwa campus, or other campuses
- Return at the ICRR Library.
- Also accepted at other libraries of the University of Tokyo.
- Books from other universities
- Return at the ICRR Library.
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Extension of Loan Period
- Books from the ICRR Library
- You can extend via "Check status of loan/reservation" on MyOPAC.
- There's no limit on extensions.
- However, books with reservations or overdue items cannot be extended.
- Books from Other On-Campus Libraries
- Some libraries allow extensions through "Check status of loan/reservation" on MyOPAC.
- Extension limits vary by library.
- Books from External Universities/Institutions
- Please contact the ICRR library.
Copying Services
- Self-service copiers are available.
- Requirements: Faculty or student ID
- Expenses covered: Official expenses
- If you prefer to pay privately, visit the Payment Counter (2nd floor, Budget/Accounting Section) during reception hours (10:00-12:00, 13:00-16:30).
- Note
- Please adhere to copyright laws when copying and submit an 'Application for Photocopy' form.
Book Reservations/Delivery Requests
- Expenses
- Free (Only if you order to libraries of other universities/institutes and you use the book for a purpose other than research and education, you must pay actual costs.)
- Applying via MyOPAC (Recommended)
- Log in to MyOPAC.
- Search the book you need.
- When the book on other campus is in state to deliver, you may find "Reserve" button.
- Click, fill in the required details, and submit.
- If the "Reserve" button is not displayed,
You can order to deliver the book from other university/institute.
Please click "Order" button on the top right, and complete necessary information.
- Applying at the ICRR Library
- Approach the staff directly at the counter or contact the library via email.
- Required details: Book title, author, publication year, etc.
- Note
- ICRR Library Books:
- Reservations are only possible when the book is on loan.
- You'll receive an email notification when available.
- Books from Kashiwa Campus Libraries or Other Campuses:
- You can designate the ICRR Library, Kashiwa Library, General Library, or Komaba Library as the pickup location.
- You'll receive an email notification when available. Please collect from the designated library's counter as the pickup location.
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Ordering copies of articles
- Expenses
- Free (For purposes other than research and education, you must pay actual costs)
- Applying via MyOPAC (Recommended)
- Log in to MyOPAC.
- Search for journals containing the required article (Searching by the article's title won't yield results)
- If there are articles available for photocopying in the UTokyo libraries, a "Copy" or "PDF" button will be displayed.
- Check the "Volumes" section to confirm if the necessary volume of the article is available.
If available, click on "Copy" or "PDF," input the required details, and submit the request.
- If the "Copy" or "PDF" button is not displayed
You can order to deliver the photocopies from other university/institute.
Please click "Order" button on the top right, and complete necessary information.
- Applying at the ICCR Library
- Approach the staff directly at the counter or contact the library via email.
- Required details: Journal title, publication year, volume number, page, article title, authors, etc.
- About "PDF"
- It's a service allowing viewing of scanned papers as PDF files on MyOPAC, instead of traditional paper copies.
Given the time taken for internal delivery of paper copies, we recommend using PDF.
- You'll receive an email when the PDF file is available. Please view it on MyOPAC within two weeks.
(Note: After this period, access will be restricted.)
- Destination for "Copy"
- You can select "ICRR Library" or "Direct Delivery to Lab."
- If you choose the "Library," the copies will arrive at the ICRR Library. You will receive an email when it arrives, please come to the counter.
- If you select direct delivery to the laboratory, please enter the exact delivery address (down to the room number)
as the items will be delivered directly to the laboratory by on-campus mail.
Please note, direct delivery is only applicable to labs within the Kashiwa campus.
Delivery to Kamioka is not available.
- Regarding Materials Held at Kashiwa Campus Libraries
- Only "PDF" requests are accepted at Kashiwa Library.
- Requests for paper copies at Kashiwa Library or for paper/PDF copies at other libraries are not permitted.
Please visit in person for direct copying.
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Book purchase request
- The ICRR Library is always open to requests for the purchase of materials. Please recommend materials that should be available at the library and those that faculty members and graduate students at the Institute may require.
- Applying via Email
- Send the following details to the ICRR Library:
- Subject: Request for Book Purchase
- Recipient: lib★ (Replace ★ with @ when sending)
- Include in the email (ensure to fill in affiliation, name, and title):
- Affiliation [Required]: XX Lab
- Name [Required]: Namiko Kashiwa
- Title [Required]: Cosmic Particle Physics
The following details can also be provided via URLs from sites like UTokyo OPAC or
- Author: Groupein (can be omitted if distinguishable by book title)
- Publisher: Springer Japan (can be omitted if the title and author don't differentiate the material)
- Publication Year: 2009 (same as above)
- Price: \8500 (same as above)
- ISBN: 9784431100195 (same as above)
For electronic materials, include reasons for necessity, brief content, potential fields of use, or names of relevant labs.
- To apply at the library counter
- Use the guidelines from "Applying via Email":
- Submit the necessary information in writing.
- Provide printouts from information sources like UTokyo OPAC or
- Subsequent Process
- The requested materials will be ordered after consideration of whether they are available for purchase. Staff will verify if the library already holds the requested material.
- Efforts will be made to acquire out-of-stock or out-of-print books, but there might be instances where we can't fulfill your request.
- If urgent, please explicitly mention it in your application. Depending on bookstore inventory, it might take several months.
- In general, e-resources are contracted on a yearly basis (except for bought-out materials).If required beyond this fiscal year, kindly recommend it again.
- Prioritization of electronic materials is based on the number of recommendations, content, potential users, and price. Note that not all recommendations will result in a purchase.
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Utilizing Other Libraries
- Other University Libraries on Campus
- Operating hours and conditions vary among libraries. Please verify these details on their respective websites beforehand.
- Off-Campus Libraries
- Some might require introduction letters. Please inquire at the counter beforehand if needed.
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