Best Presentation Awards Presented At The 3rd Annual ICRR Graduate Student Workshop


The 3rd Annual ICRR Graduate Student Workshop took place on February 21, 2014, at ICRR.

The ICRR Graduate Student Workshop is an annual workshop for master and doctoral students at ICRR founded in 2012 to give ICRR graduate students opportunities to communicate their research activities and achievements to their colleagues and to become familiar with broad subjects in cosmic ray research.

In the opening address, Prof. Kajita, the director of ICRR, said, “Graduate students at ICRR will lead the field of cosmic ray research in the future. I hope that the communication opportunity that this workshop provides will be of help to you to find hints to your research, and to establish networks that will be helpful to you in the future.”

The workshop consisted of three verbal presentation sessions and two poster presentation sessions. Each presentation received many questions and comments from their peers and faculty members.

The Best Presentation Awards were presented to a Master student Isao Kametani who presented “East-West Effect of Atmospheric Neutrinos And Effect of Solar Activities On The Flux Of Atmospheric Neutrino,” and a Doctoral student Naoya Kitajima who presented “Primordial blackhole formation and gravitational wave production in a curvaton model.”

The program and presentation slides and posters are found here.

Workshop organisers (from left to right): Kenji Ono, Euan Richard, and Kazuma Ishio

Isao Kametani won the Best Presentation Award for Master Student

Naoya Kitajima won the Best Presentation Award for Doctoral Student