art I: Flaring up of the Compact Cloud G2 (Saitoh) Part II: Caravan Project for Sgr A* Observation (Miyoshi

December 4, 2012 (Tue) 14:00~

  • Speaker
    Prof. Takayuki Saitoh (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    Dr. Makoto Miyoshi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
  • Title
    “Part I: Flaring up of the Compact Cloud G2 (Saitoh)”
    “Part II: Caravan Project for Sgr A* Observation (Miyoshi)”
  • Place
    Seminar room 311, the 3rd floor of the Kashiwa Research Complex 2 (Kashiwa Campus)
  • Abstract (html), presented file (Saitoh pdf), presented file (Miyoshi pdf)
  • No “wine and cheese” after the seminar