“Production and absorption of gamma rays with stars in neighbourhood of supermassive black holes.”/ Julian Sitarek (Universidad de Lodz, Poland)

ICRR Seminar

NumberR6-8 /  IPMU/ILANCE/ICRR joint seminar
Date&TimeNovember 5, 2024, Tue, 15:00-
Place ICRR 6F large seminar room (601)
Zoom: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/89107721938?pwd=crFZhI3h93DTCavaavhBvuBzhB1feC.1
Speaker Julian Sitarek (Universidad de Lodz, Poland)
Title“Production and absorption of gamma rays with stars in neighbourhood of supermassive black holes.”
AbstractSupermassive black holes (SMBH) tend to be surrounded by massive star clusters. Under certain conditions those stars might affect the gamma-ray emission from SMBH-jet system. In this seminar I will present a few theoretical scenarios in which the encounter with a star leads either to production of a gamma-ray flare, or to an absorption feature in the gamma-ray spectrum of the source.