High-Energy Astrophysical Objects
Examples of high-energy astrophysical phenomena are supernovae, pulsars, giant flares from magnetars, jets launched from supermassive black holes in the center of galaxies, starburst galaxies, gamma-ray bursts, and non-thermal emission from clusters of galaxies. Our research subjects are physical mechanisms for jet formation, acceleration of relativistic particles, photon (radio, optical, X and gamma-ray) and neutrino emissions from such particles and so on. Multi-messenger astronomy –astronomy via collaborating observations of electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays, neutrinos, and gravitational waves– will be drastically developed in this century. Therefore, interpretation of observed data and prediction of new astrophysical phenomena from various perspectives are also important themes in our study.
Particle Acceleration
The theory of relativity tells us that the energy of a particle is expressed as $E=\gamma mc^2$, where the Lorentz factor is defined as $\gamma \equiv 1/\sqrt{1-(v/c)^2}$. If the velocity of a particle is close to the speed of light, the Lorentz factor becomes $\gamma \gg 1$ and such particles are called relativistic particles. Relativistic electrons can emit electromagnetic waves via synchrotron or inverse Compton scattering. Cosmic rays, which are relativistic protons or nuclei, can also emit gamma-rays or high-energy neutrinos via collision with another particle or photon. The shock waves propagating interstellar medium after supernovae are sites where such relativistic particles are accelerated. As the left figure shows, emissions from radio to gamma-ray by electrons or protons have been observed. However, the maximum particle energy in supernova remnants is lower than $3 \times 10^{15}$eV, the maximum energy of galactic cosmic rays. The origin of cosmic rays is not fully revealed yet.
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica detected neutrinos whose energy is above $10^{15}$eV. Those neutrinos may be emitted from protons of $>10^{17}$eV, produced in other galaxies. Furthermore, Telescope Array and Pierre Auger Observatory detected ultra high-energy cosmic rays, whose energy is larger than $10^{20}$eV. The acceleration site and mechanism for such particles are also open problems.
Relativistic Outflow
Some of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei launch collimated relativistic jets with $\gamma>10$. When a giant star ends its life and its core collapses into a black hole, relativistic jets with $\gamma>100$ are considered to be ejected and emit gamma-ray flash, which is called a gamma-ray burst. The jet launching and acceleration mechanisms are not revealed yet. The gravitational energy released when gas falls onto a black hole or spin energy of a black hole are candidates of the energy source of relativistic jets. Jets may be magnetically driven, or alternatively radiation pressure may play a role in the acceleration.
The right figure shows an X-ray image of electron–positron plasma outflowing with $\gamma>10^5$ from a pulsar, fast rotating neutron star. The outflow energy is injected from the spin energy of the pulsar via magnetic fields. The acceleration mechanism of the pulsar wind is an unsolved problem. From objects with relativistic outflows violently variable emissions have been frequently observed, which implies that high-energy particles are accelerated there.
Our Papers
Recent papers:
J. Röder, M. Wielgus, A. P. Lobanov, et al.
"A Multi-Frequency Study of Sub-Parsec Jets with the Event Horizon Telescope", arxiv::2501.05518
S. Abe, J. Abhir, A. Abhishek, et al.
"Cosmic-Ray Acceleration and Escape from Supernova Remnant W44 as Probed by Fermi-LAT and MAGIC", arxiv:2501.03889
K. Abe, S. Abe, J. Abhir, et al.
"Characterization of Markarian 421 during its Most Violent Year: Multiwavelength Variability and Correlations", arxiv:2501.03831, accepted for A&A
S. Abe, J. Abhir, A. Abhishek, et al.
"Time-Dependent Modelling of Short-Term Variability in the TeV-Blazar VER J0521+211 during the Major Flare in 2020", arxiv:2412.15836, accepted for A&A
Previous papers are here.