CLIO is a 100 meter baseleine laser interferometer proto-type for KAGRA. A laser strainmeter is also constructed parallel to CLIO for geophysics.
(CLIO Image)
Strain Sensitivity
The CLIO strain sensitivity reached 3×10^-19 [m/rHz] around 300Hz. This level is comparable with km-scale laser interferometer type GW telescopes such as LIGO and VIRGO. In 2010, we successfully demonstrated the thermal noise reduction of pendulums and mirrors by cooling them around 20K.
(CLIO Strain Sensitivity Curve)
CLIO Construction Photos
The vacuum system of 100 meter arms and the center part were completed.
The cryostats were set in the CLIO tunnel. Yamamoto-kun measured the vibration level of the cryostst optical benches.
CLIO Mode Cleaner Optics setting
CLIO Clean booth construction (2004/3/28)
CLIO Mode Cleaner Vacuum Tank setting(2003/12/19)
In August 20th 2003, the press conference about the laser strain meter was done in the Kamioka Observatory. Many newsletter presses and TV stations attended it. Prof. Suzuki, who is a director of the Kamioka Observatory, Prof. Yamashita, who is the president of Earthquake Research Institute in UT, and Prof. Sasao, who is the division chief of graduate school of science in Kyoto University gave greetings. After that, Prof. Takemoto gave an overview talk, and Prof. Araya explained about the laser strainmeter. After this press conference, CLIO site tour was performed to introduce the laser strainmeter itself. The explanation about the laser strainmeter is here
Press conference about laser strainmeter completion
The laser strainmeter has been constructed and its data taking has started. The tidal motion was successfully identified in its data (2003/6/30). The explanation site by Dr. Araya is here .