


Twenty Years after SN1987A
What did we learn, what will the next SN tell us?

以下にFirst Bulletinを添付しますが、会議の詳細については、ホームページ

東京大学宇宙線研究所 神岡宇宙素粒子研究施設

Hank Sobel
University of Calofornia, Irvine

First Bulletin

Twenty Years after SN1987A
What did we learn, what will the next SN tell us?
February 23, 24 and 25, 2007
Hilton Waikoloa, Hawaii


On February 23, 1987 detectors on Earth recorded a pulse of neutrinos
emitted by SN1987A. This historic event was the first and only detection of
neutrinos from outside of our solar system. We have planned a conference at
the Hilton Waikoloa near Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii on February 23 to
25, 2007, the 20th anniversary of this event. The conference will review
what we have learned about supernovae in the past twenty years and what
could be learned from a future supernova. Talks will be by invitation only.
Scientific topics include: the history of SN1987A, theoretical developments
in understanding supernovae and their environments, neutrino properties and
what we can learn about them from a supernova, and present and planned
neutrino detectors.
Further information about the conference, registration and accommodations
will be available on the conference website:

Contact: sn1987a@suketto.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp

International Advisory Committee
John Beacom (Ohio State)
Venya Berezinsky (INFN, Gran Sasso)
Adam Burrows (Arizona)
Sterling Colgate (LANL)
Maurice Goldhaber (BNL)
Wick Haxton (UW)
Hans Thomas Janka (MPI Garching)
Manfred Lindner (T.U. Munich)
Art McDonald (Queen's Univ.)
Kenichi Nomoto (U. of Tokyo)
Katsuhiko Sato (U. of Tokyo)
Gary Steigman (Ohio State)
Atsuto Suzuki (KEK)
Yoichiro Suzuki (ICRR)
Yoji Totsuka (U. of Tokyo)
Craig Wheeler (U. of Texas, Austin)
Lincoln Wolfenstein (CMU)
Stan Woosley (UCSC)

Local Organization Committee
Masayuki Nakahata (ICRR) Co-chair
Hank Sobel (UCI) Co-chair
Yoshiyuki Fukuda (MUE)
Yusuke Koshio (ICRR)
William Kropp (UCI)
Rolf Peter Kudritzki (UH)
John Learned (UH)
Yoshihisa Obayashi (ICRR)
Sandip Pakvasa (UH)
Kate Scholberg (Duke)
Michael Smy (UCI)
Atsushi Takeda (ICRR)
Yasuo Takeuchi (ICRR)
Mark Vagins (UCI)

The conference is sponsored by the Kamioka Observatory (ICRR, University of
Tokyo), the University of California, Irvine, and the University of Hawaii.