VERITAS is an array of four Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
located at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in Southern Arizona,
covering the energy range from ~100 GeV to ~30 TeV. Full
four-telescope operations began in Spring 2007, and in Summer 2009 the
first telescope was relocated within the array to improve the
sensitivity. A major hardware upgrade was completed in Summer 2012 to
the camera and trigger in each telescope, lowering the energy
threshold. Here we present the performance of VERITAS, determined with
instrument response functions from simulations, which utilize
long-term calibration measurements. Results are shown from Crab Nebula
observations, validating the performance.
We will discuss recent scientific discoveries obtained with the
upgraded array and address areas of possible future collaborations
between the northern hemisphere Cherenkov telescopes.
Finally, we will emphasize the VERITAS long term observing plan, which
will dominate the observations in the next 5 years until 2019.