増田 公明(名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所) Kimiaki Masuda (Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University)
日本の樹木年輪から示された西暦775年の宇宙線増加の痕跡 A signature of cosmic-ray increase in AD775 from tree rings in Japan
Carbon-14 in nature is produced by cosmic rays, coming from extraterrestrial space, in earth's atmosphere. The carbon-14 in the atmosphere moves according to the carbon cycle, a part of which is taken into plants at the earth's surface. The concentration of carbon-14 in annual tree rings with known age is considered to reflect the cosmic-ray intensity during the year when the tree grew. After investigation of high-energy events with rapid change, which can take place in extraterrestrial space, by carbon-14 in tree rings to search signatures of known supernova explosions, we have found an event in which the concentration of carbon-14 increased rapidly within 1 year. In the seminar I will introduce this event and discuss on the cause of the event.