<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2022年10月12日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位 CRC事務局 **<国際シンポジウム「KASHIWA DARK MATTER SYMPOSIUM 2022」4thサーキュラー>** CRCのみなさま、 ## English text follows after Japanese version ## 本年11月29−12月2日に開催する、ダークマター探索に関するハイブリッド形式の国際シンポジウム 「KASHIWA DARK MATTER SYMPOSIUM 2022」の4thサーキュラーです。 1. 口頭発表及びポスター発表の締切を10月22日 午前8時59分まで延長しました。 2. 優秀な講演やポスターには、下記の賞が授与されます。 3. スケージュールが確定しました。詳しくは以下をご覧下さい。 https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/ 賞について:実験及び理論の講演またはポスターの4つの最優秀発表に対して、それぞれ250ユーロの賞金を授与することになりました。この賞は、理論についてはMDPIのPhysics誌と実験についてはGalaxies誌から協賛をいただいています。 ポスター発表と若干の口頭発表を受け付けておりますので、 特に若い研究者や学生の積極的な参加をお待ちしております。 皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。 -------- 研究会web page: https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/ 日時:2022年11月29日(火)~2022年12月2日(金) 会場:東京大学柏図書館+オンライン(Zoom) 参加費:現地参加:2000円、オンライン参加:無料 参加登録:2022年11月5日午前8:59まで。 講演申し込み:口頭及びポスター講演どちらも*2022年10月22日 午前8時59分まで*。 下記URLから参加登録・講演申し込みをお願いいたします。 https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/registration.html 旅費サポート:希望する学生に、旅費(国内の交通費及び宿泊代)のサポートを行う予定です。 宿泊に関しては柏ゲストハウス( https://www.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/maincontents/accommodation_en.html) のご利用を薦めております。 *COVID-19感染症対策の観点から、現地参加者が60名となった時点でオンラインのみ 参加登録可能となります。 *ポスター講演はオンラインのみとなります。 招待講演者: - Khai Bui (Kavli IPMU) - Regina Caputo (NASA) - Shion Chen (The University of Tokyo) - Michele Doro (University of Padova) - Elisa G. M. Ferreira (Kavli IPMU) - James Frost (Oxford University) - Motoko Fujiwara (Technical University of Munich) - Akio Kawasaki (National Metrology Institute of Japan) - Koji Ishidoshiro (Tohoku University) - Aaron Manalaysay (LBNL) - Hironao Miyatake (KMI, Nagoya University) - Kazunori Nakayama (Tohoku University) - Lina Necib (MIT) - Hafizh Prihtiadi (IBS) - Wen Yin (Tohoku University) 本シンポジウムはダークマター探索研究に関して、theory、collider、 direct、indirect、astrophysicsの研究者を一堂に会して、今後の探索研究に ついて包括的な議論及び情報共有することを目的とします。 今年度はフォーカスセッションとしてkeVスケール以下のlight Dark Matter セッションを設ける予定です。 世話人一同: 林 航平(一関高専/ICRR/東北大学,co-chair) Moritz Hütten (ICRR,co-chair) 浅井祥仁(東京大学) 浅井健人(ICRR) Tobias Binder (TUM) Elisa G. M. Ferreira (Kavli IPMU) 堀米俊一 (Kavli IPMU) 伊部昌宏(ICRR,Kavli IPMU) 川崎雅裕(ICRR,Kavli IPMU) 松本重貴(Kavli IPMU) 身内賢太朗(神戸大学) 森山茂栄(ICRR,Kavli IPMU) 寺師弘二 (東京大学,CERN) 手嶋政廣(ICRR,MPP) 山下雅樹(Kavli IPMU) 吉田龍生(茨城大学) 菅原みどり(ICRR,秘書) 本研究会は -科研費「地下から解き明かす宇宙の歴史と物質の進化」(新学術・地下宇宙:森山茂栄[分担])(共同主催) -科研費「ニュートリノで探る対称性と宇宙像」(新学術・ニュートリノ(計画研究):伊部昌宏[代表]) -科研費「CTA大口径望遠鏡アレイによる極限宇宙の研究」(基盤S:手嶋政廣(代表))(共同主催) -科研費「大型液体キセノン検出器を用いた宇宙暗黒物質及び新現象の研究」(基盤A:山下雅樹[代表]) -科研費「次世代半導体コンプトンカメラで革新するMeVガンマ線宇宙・素粒子・原子物理学」(基盤A:松本重貴[分担]) -科研費「弱電荷を持つ熱的暗黒物質の検証に関する理論的研究」(基盤B:松本重貴[代表],林航平[分担]) -科研費「次世代大規模観測のビッグデータから迫る暗黒物質の解明」(若手研究:林航平[代表]) -科研費「すばる望遠鏡による銀河系矮小銀河の網羅的動力学研究とダークマターの正体解明」(学変A・ダークマター(公募研究):林航平[代表]) - The grant for ICRR’s Fiscal Year 2022 Inter-University Research Program (PI: Moritz Hütten) よってサポートされています。 ######################################################################################### Dear colleagues, This is the fourth announcement of the "Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2022" that will take place in hybrid style (on-site and online) from Tuesday, November 29 to Friday, December 2, 2022. We would like to share the news: 1. The abstract submission deadline is extended to Oct. 21, 23:59 UTC. 2. We offer several prizes for the best contributed talks and posters (see below). 3. The time schedule has been fixed, see https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/. PRIZES We are happy to announce that can offer four prizes sponsored with 250 Euros each for the best experimental and theory talk or poster contributions. The prizes are kindly sponsored by the journals Physics (best theory contributions) and Galaxies (best experimental contributions) by MDPI. TIME SCHEDULE AND ON-SITE VENUE: The symposium will take place between 15:30 and 19:30 JST (6:30 to 10:30 UTC) on Nov. 29 9:30 and 19:00 JST (0:30 to 10:00 UTC) on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 9:30 and 13:00 JST (0:30 to 4:00 UTC) on Dec. 2 For more information on the daily sessions, please visit the event webpage: https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/ The on-site conference venue will be the Kashiwa Library Media Hall of the University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha Campus (5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8584, Japan). REGISTRATION AND ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: *Registration* To join the Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2022, please register at https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/registration.html. The registration deadline is *Nov. 4, 2022, 23:59 UTC*. For on-site participation, a registration fee of 2000 Japanese Yen is charged (in cash at check in). Please note that due to preventing the spread of COVID-19, on-site participation is limited to 60 persons on a first-come-first-serve basis. For online participation, there is no registration fee nor limitation of participants. *Visa Application* From 11th October 2022, Japan will allow visa-free to independent tourism. Please check on www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/ or on the webpage of the Japanese embassy of your passport issuing country for the latest info if you require a visa to enter Japan. We, the secretariat, will not be able to issue documents for short-term visa applications. Please fill in your own application. *Travel Support* Application for domestic travel support (local/domestic transportation and accommodation) is open for undergraduate or graduate students submitting an abstract to the symposium. Please apply during registration. *Abstract Submission* To enable young researchers to present their work at the symposium, we encourage especially young postdocs and students to participate and to present their work at the symposium. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations can be submitted via https://2022.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/registration.html. The extended abstract submission deadline is *Oct. 21, 2021, 23:59 UTC*. Oral presentations can be given in person or online. Posters will only be presented online, and include a max. 2-minute pre-recorded flash-talk. Oral presentations are 10 minutes with 3 minutes Q&A. Please note that you can register earlier and add an abstract submission later at any time until the abstract submission deadline. INVITED SPEAKERS: - Khai Bui (Kavli IPMU) - Regina Caputo (NASA) - Shion Chen (The University of Tokyo) - Michele Doro (University of Padova) - Elisa G. M. Ferreira (Kavli IPMU) - James Frost (Oxford University) - Motoko Fujiwara (Technical University of Munich) - Akio Kawasaki (National Metrology Institute of Japan) - Koji Ishidoshiro (Tohoku University) - Aaron Manalaysay (LBNL) - Hironao Miyatake (KMI, Nagoya University) - Kazunori Nakayama (Tohoku University) - Lina Necib (MIT) - Hafizh Prihtiadi (IBS) - Wen Yin (Tohoku University) SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE: We are happy to announce the fourth Kashiwa Dark Matter symposium at the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research of the University of Tokyo. For the first time since 2019, the symposium will take place again in-person at the University of Tokyo Kashiwa Library Media Hall. The symposium will be held fully hybrid, allowing a worldwide inclusive and eco-friendly participation in an ongoing pandemic. The Kashiwa Dark Matter symposium series brings regularly together international researchers from all relevant experimental and theoretical fields in current and future dark matter searches. This year, the symposium will include a focused session on searches for light Dark Matter from the keV scale down to μeV and beyond, including theoretical aspects and recent developments of detector technologies. MAIN TOPICS: - Dark matter theory - Collider experiments for dark matter searches - Dark matter direct detection experiments - Dark matter indirect detection experiments - Astrophysical and cosmological constraints on dark matter - Searches for light Dark Matter from the keV scale down to μeV and beyond We are looking forward the fourth edition of the Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposia. Also, please forward this information to any interested colleagues. On behalf of the Organizing Committee: Kento Asai (ICRR, the University of Tokyo) Shoji Asai (The University of Tokyo) Tobias Binder ((TUM)) Elisa G. M. Ferreira (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Masahiro Ibe (ICRR/Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Kohei Hayashi (Ichinoseki College/ICRR/Tohoku; co-chair) Shunichi Horigome (IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Moritz Hütten (ICRR, the University of Tokyo; co-chair) Masahiro Kawasaki (ICRR/Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Shigeki Matsumoto (IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University) Shigetaka Moriyama (ICRR/Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Koji Terashi (The University of Tokyo/CERN) Masahiro Teshima (ICRR/Max Planck Institute for Physics) Masaki Yamashita (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) Tatsuo Yoshida (Ibaraki University) Midori Sugahara (Secretary, ICRR) This workshop is supported in part by - MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: 19H05802 for Shigetaka Moriyama (co-I, main hosts) 18H05542 for Masahiro Ibe (PI) - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S): 17H06131 for Masahiro Teshima (PI, main hosts) - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A): 22H00127 for Masaki Yamashita (PI) 20H00153 for Shigeki Matsumoto (co-I) - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): 20H01895 for Shigeki Matsumoto (PI), Kohei Hayashi (co-I) - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career Scientists): 21K13909 for Kohei Hayashi (PI) - Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area A (Open-solicited Research): 21H05447 for Kohei Hayashi (PI) - The grant for ICRR’s Fiscal Year 2022 Inter-University Research Program (PI: Moritz Hütten)