<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2022年8月17日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位 CRC事務局 **<Postdoc and PhD positions in gamma-ray astrophysics in Germany>** 高宇連の皆様   ドイツの米国のMeVガンマ線観測衛星、COSIに参加しているグループからPhDの公募の依頼を受けました。 宇宙線研の窪さんから一部の方々にはすでに同様の通知が行ったと思いますが、 以下にはもう少し情報があるようです。興味のある方は直接訪ねてください。                        京大 複合研 谷森 (4月から所属が変わりました) Dear Toru, I hope you are doing well. You probably know that NASA accepted COSI as its new MeV satellite mission to be launched in 2026. In Germany we were granted funding for two postdoc and two PhD positions to develop the data analysis software for COSI. Could you please forward the blurb below to people who might be interested in the positions, or to your internal mailing list? I would very much appreciate that. Thank you! Best, Thomas ---------- *2 Postdoctoral and 2 PhD Positions for COSI Software Development in Gamma-ray Astrophysics* The Julius Maximilians University Würzburg and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, both Germany, invite applications for postdoctoral and PhD positions to work on the software development, data analysis and instrument simulations for NASA's new MeV gamma-ray satellite mission COSI, the Compton Spectrometer and Imager, to be launched in 2026. The positions comprise photon event reconstruction using machine learning techniques, gamma-ray burst and transient localisation, instrumental background simulations using GEANT4 and background modelling, as well as the development of the high-level data analysis framework for end users including image reconstruction and spectral fitting. The deadline for the applications is the *15th of September 2022*. More information about the positions is found at: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/531c3f62 Direct questions can be sent to thomas.siegert [at] uni-wuerzburg.de ----------