<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2022年 6月 8日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位 CRC事務局 *<XVIIIth RENCONTRES DU VIETNAM THE GOLDEN UNIVERSE July 25-29, 2022, Quy Nhon, Vietnam>* ===<国際会議THE GOLDEN UNIVERSE: Nuclear Astrophysics & Cosmic Rays in the Multimessenger Era のお知らせ>=== CRCの皆様 以下のように、XVIIIth RENCONTRES DU VIETNAM“THE GOLDEN UNIVERSE: Nuclear Astrophysics & Cosmic Rays in the Multimessenger Era” が2022年7月25日から29日にベトナムのQuy Nhonで開催されます。 アブストラクトの受付を https://www.icisequynhon.com/conferences/2022/nuclear_astrophysics/index.html にて開始しております。 Dear all, We are very excited to announce the conference called “THE GOLDEN UNIVERSE: Nuclear Astrophysics & Cosmic Rays in the Multimessenger Era”. The conference will take place, in-person, from July 25-29, 2022 in Quy Nhon, Vietnam. The SOC has prepared an exciting program that will cover all theoretical and observational aspects of nuclear astrophysics and cosmic rays. Please spread the word! Abstract submission and applications for accommodation support are now open. Deadline for both is the 7 of July. You can find more information here: https://www.icisequynhon.com/conferences/2022/nuclear_astrophysics/index.html Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Hope to see you all in Vietnam! Best regards, Noemie Globus (UC Santa Cruz, Chair) and Hiroyuki Sagawa (ICRR) for the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)