<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2020年 11月 4日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                   CRC事務局 **<国際シンポジウム「KASHIWA DARK MATTER SYMPOSIUM 2020」ファイナルサーキュラー>** ## English text follows after Japanese version ## 本年11月16−19日にWIMPダークマター探索に関する国際シンポジウム 「KASHIWA DARK MATTER SYMPOSIUM 2020」のお知らせです. 1. シンポジウムのトークスケジュール及びポスターセッションを公開しました. 2. シンポジウムの参加登録は11月10日(UTC)までとなっております. 3. 本シンポジウムはYouTubeによるライブストリーミング配信を予定しております. 登録締切が迫っておりますが,皆様ふるってご参加ください. ーーー 研究会web page: http://kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/ 日時:2020年11月16日(月)~2020年11月19日(水) 19時〜22時30分 (日本時間) 会場:オンライン(Zoom) 参加登録:11月10日(UTC)まで. 下記URLから参加登録お願いいたします. https://2020.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org/registration.html 招待講演者: - Tobias Binder (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) - Oleg Brandt (University of Cambridge) - Francesca Calore (LAPP Annecy) - Jodi Cooley (Southern Methodist University) - Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton University) - Manuel Meyer (ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) - Marc Schumann (University of Freiburg) - Masaki Yamada (Tohoku University) 本シンポジウムはWIMPダークマター探索研究に関して,theory,collider, direct,indirect,astrophysicsの研究者を一堂に会して,今後の探索研究に ついて包括的な議論及び情報共有することを目的とします.今年度はフォーカス セッションとしてAxion/Axion-like Particlesのセッションを設ける予定です. 浅井祥仁(東京大学,CERN) 林 航平(東北大学,co-chair) Moritz Hütten (MPP,co-chair) 伊部昌宏(ICRR) 川崎雅裕(ICRR,IPMU) 松本重貴(IPMU) 身内賢太朗(神戸大学) 森山茂栄(ICRR,IPMU) 寺師弘二 (東京大学,CERN) 手嶋政廣(ICRR,MPP) 山下雅樹(ISEE,名古屋大学) 吉田龍生(茨城大学) 菅原みどり(ICRR,秘書) Diana Werner (MPP,秘書) 本研究会は - 科研費「ヒッグス粒子発見後の素粒子物理学の新展開〜LHCによる真空と時空構造の解明〜」(新学術・真空と時空:浅井祥仁(代表))(共同主催) - 科研費「地下から解き明かす宇宙の歴史と物質の進化」(新学術・地下宇宙:森山茂栄(分担))(共同主催) - 科研費「CTA大口径望遠鏡アレイによる極限宇宙の研究」(基盤S:手嶋政廣(代表))(共同主催) - 科研費「高スケール超対称性模型の実験的検証の研究」(基盤B:松本重貴(分担)) - 科研費「ニュートリノで探る対称性と宇宙像」(新学術・ニュートリノ(計画研究):伊部昌宏(代表)) - 科研費「弱電荷を持つ熱的暗黒物質の検証に関する理論的研究」(基盤B:松本重貴(代表),林航平(分担)) - The grant for ICRR’s Fiscal Year 2020 Inter-University Research Program (Moritz Hütten) によってサポートされています。 ##### Dear colleagues, This is the final announcement of the “KASHIWA DARK MATTER SYMPOSIUM 2020” that will take place online on zoom on November 16-19, 2020. 1. The talk schedule and poster presenters are available. 2. Deadline for the registration is *November 10, 2020 (UTC)*. 3. We will have live streamings for the highlight and contributed talks on YouTube. For more information and to register, please visit the event homepage: http://kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org To enable young researchers to present their work at the symposium, we encourage especially postdocs and students to participate the symposium. This is the second of a series of dark matter symposia started in 2019 (http://2019.kashiwa-darkmatter-symposia.org Also, please forward this information to any interested colleagues. ------------------------------------------------ INVITED SPEAKERS: - Tobias Binder (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo) - Oleg Brandt (University of Cambridge) - Francesca Calore (LAPP Annecy) - Jodi Cooley (Southern Methodist University) - Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton University) - Manuel Meyer (ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) - Marc Schumann (University of Freiburg) - Masaki Yamada (Tohoku University) SCHEDULE AND FORMAT: The symposium will last from 10:00 to 13:30 UTC on each day, Monday, Nov. 16 to Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020. On each day, we will have two sessions of 90 minutes duration, separated by a coffee (lunch, or dinner) break. Sessions include an invited highlight talk and contributed talks of 12' plus 3' question time. SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE: In 2019, over 100 students, Postdocs, and senior scientists from all over the world came together at Kashiwa campus near Tokyo to discuss the status of the searches for dark matter. After a year has now passed full of exciting results, the nature of dark matter is still elusive. To ultimately solve the dark matter mystery, a joint effort is needed by indirect, direct and collider experiments. To foster the exchange between the fields and to exchange recent progresses in theory and experiment, we have now established a regular series of yearly meetings: the Kashiwa dark matter symposia. This year in 2020, the symposium will be virtual. The goal of the symposium series is to bring together international researchers from all relevant experimental and theoretical fields in current and future dark matter searches. This year, we aim at a special focus on alternative dark matter candidates beyond the WIMP paradigm, including a dedicated session on axions and axion-like particles. MAIN TOPICS: - Dark matter theory - Collider experiments for dark matter searches - Dark matter direct detection experiments - Dark matter indirect detection experiments - Astrophysical constraints on dark matter - Axions and Axion like particles (ALPs) We are looking forward to welcome you online! On behalf of the Organising Committee: Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo, CERN) Kohei Hayashi (Tohoku University, co-chair) Moritz Hütten (MPP, co-chair) Masahiro Ibe (ICRR) Masahiro Kawasaki (ICRR, IPMU) Shigeki Matsumoto (IPMU) Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University) Shigetaka Moriyama (ICRR, IPMU) Koji Terashi (University of Tokyo, CERN) Masahiro Teshima (ICRR, MPP) Masaki Yamashita (ISEE, Nagoya University) Tatsuo Yoshida (Ibaraki University) Midori Sugahara (ICRR, secretary) Diana Werner (MPP, secretary) This workshop is supported in part by - MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: 16K21730 for Shoji Asai (PI, main hosts) 19H05802 for Shigetaka Moriyama (co-PI, main hosts) 18H05542 for Masahiro Ibe (PI) - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S): 17H06131 for Masahiro Teshima (PI, main hosts) - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): 20H01895 for Shigeki Matsumoto (PI), Kohei Hayashi (co-PI) 17H02878 for Shigeki Matsumoto (co-PI) and the grant for ICRR’s Fiscal Year 2020 Inter-University Research Program (PI: Moritz Hütten).