<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2020年 11月 4日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                   CRC事務局 **<研究会「Black Hole Astrophysics with VLBI: Multi-Wavelength and Multi-Messenger Era」のご案内>** 2021年1月18-20日に東京大学宇宙線研究所にて研究会“Black Hole Astrophysics with VLBI: Multi-Wavelength and Multi-Messenger Era”を開催する運びとなりました。ブラックホール(および中性子星)の降着流・ジェット・ウィンドに関して、EHTを含むVLBIによる高解像度観測および理論を軸に、多波長(電波?ガンマ線)研究, マルチメッセンジャー研究といった幅広いテーマを議論します。 昨今の新型コロナウィルスの問題を考慮してハイブリッド型 (オンライン+現地参加)での開催となります。基本はzoomによるオンライン開催で、希望者のみ現地での参加です。(ソーシャルディスタンスの関係で現地参加できる人数には限りがあり、ご希望に添えない場合もありますので予めご了承ください。) 詳細は、以下のcircular本文や研究会ウェブサイトをご覧ください。 http://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/hea/conference210118.html 参加登録は以下のページからお願いします。 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnDf0huOXqm9oJIXrlJV6_pEzeKrfIC-t-X7scz-Bqu-yG5w/viewform なお、本研究会は東京大学宇宙線研究所共同利用研究によってサポートされています。 多くの皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。 ワークショップ世話人一同: SOC: 川島朋尚 (東大宇宙線研, chair), 紀基樹(工学院大/国立天文台), 秦和弘(国立天文台水沢), 當真賢二 (東北大), 川口恭平 (東大宇宙線研) LOC: 川口恭平 (chair), 衣川智弥, 浅野勝晃 (東大宇宙線研) =============================================================================== "Black Hole Astrophysics with VLBI: Multi-Wavelength and Multi-Messenger Era" On-line + On-site workshop (On-site: Large Seminar Room, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo) Website: http://www.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/hea/conference210118.html 2021 January 18 (Mon) - 20 (Wed) =============================================================================== 1st circular -------- Rationale -------- The detection of the black hole shadow in M87 by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations provided us powerful evidence of the presence of supermassive black holes. The big and fundamental questions, however, still remain: the magnitude and orientation of the black hole spin, physics of accretion flows, formation mechanism of relativistic jets, cosmic-ray acceleration, and associated gamma-ray and neutrino emission, etc. In order to address these key questions, the VLBI observations with higher resolution and the multi-wavelength/multi-messenger observation will be strong tools. The workshop will bring researchers working on observation and theory/simulations to discuss our present understanding and key questions towards the future of the spacetime of black holes, the physics of accretion flow, jets, winds, and the related high energy phenomena around compact objects. Due to the situation of the COVID-19, the workshop will be a hybrid-type (i.e., on-line and on-site, simultaneously). All of the talks and the posters are given by on-line, and participants can also join the workshop on-cite if they hope (but the number of on-site-participants is limited because of the social distancing rule). This workshop is supported by the Collaborative research program of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo. ------------------------ Invited speakers: Key words ------------------------ K. Asada (ASIAA): GLT, EAVN-high, and next generation EHT I. Cho (KASI): EAVN observation of Sgr A* K. Hada (NAOJ/Mizusawa): Multiwavelength observation of M87 M. Hoshino (U of Tokyo) : PIC simulations in accretion flows M. Giroletti (INAF): Observation of transient events with VLBI" K. Hotokezaka (U of Tokyo): Theory of EM counterpart of GW events A. Levinson (Tel Aviv U): General relativistic PIC simulations M. Machida (NAOJ): MHD simulations of radiatively inefficient accretion flows K. Murase (Penn State U/Kyoto U): multi-messenger study on AGNs (theory) H. Nagai (NAOJ): ALMA and ngVLA H. Noda (Osaka U): XRISM & synergy between X-ray and EHT observation D. Paneque (MPP): VHE gamma-ray, multi-messenger study on AGNs (observation) J. Park (ASIAA): Observation of polarized radio emission in M87 H-Y. Pu (NTNU): Models of jets & accretion flows, and GRRT calculations H. R. Takahashi (Komazawa U): General relativistic radiation MHD simulations M. Teshima (ICRR/MPP): CTA and astroparticle physics S. Trippe (SNU): KVN observation of AGNs with polarized emission ---------------- Registration ---------------- It is open now: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnDf0huOXqm9oJIXrlJV6_pEzeKrfIC-t-X7scz-Bqu-yG5w/viewform Abstract submission deadline: December 7, 2020 Registration deadline: January 8, 2021 --------------------- Organizing Committees --------------------- SOC: T. Kawashima (ICRR, U of Tokyo, chair), M. Kino (Kogakuin U/NAOJ), K. Hada (NAOJ Mizusawa VLBI), K. Toma (Tohoku U), K. Kawaguchi (ICRR, U of Tokyo) LOC: K. Kawaguchi (chair), T. Kinugawa, K. Asano (ICRR, U of Tokyo)