<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2019年 2月 26日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位 CRC事務局 ****<宇宙科学談話会スケジュール 2月26日キャンセル>***** 【Cancellation of Space Science Colloquium】 Space Science Colloquium was scheduled to be held tomorrow, but the new Coronavirus response policy was announced at 18:00 today. As for the holding of the event, there was a request to consider self-restraint in consideration of the urgency, so unfortunately we decided to cancel the meeting. Thank you. //////////////////////////////////////////////////// We are going to have a space science colloquium on "How to Simultaneously Read Out Thousands of sub-Kelvin Transition Edge Sensors in Space." by Dr. Tijmen de Haan (KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) on the 26th of February. Please join us. Space Science Colloquium #178 --------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 16:30-17:30, Feb.26 (Wed.), 2020 Place: New Bldg. A 2F Conf. room A (1257) Speaker: Tijmen de Haan (KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Title: How to Simultaneously Read Out Thousands of sub-Kelvin Transition Edge Sensors in Space. Abstract: TES bolometers have emerged as a very successful technology in part thanks to their exquisite sensitivity and ability to be fabricated in large monolithic arrays. This technological advancement has enabled the cosmic microwave background satellite LiteBIRD, which is planned for launch in the 2020s. Over 5000 TES bolometers will be flown in presence of tight constraints, including a challenging power budget and stringent signal-to-noise requirements. In order to read out these bolometers without spoiling the instrument’s exquisite sensitivity, I have led several advances in frequency-multiplexed (fMux) readout technology. fMux has been demonstrated to great success with an O(10) multiplexing factor, and is currently also operating successfully at a multiplexing factor of 68 on the ground-based telescope SPT-3G. I will discuss a series of improvements that greatly simplify the fMux readout architecture, improve performance, and increase the multiplexing factor. I will present re sults on several aspects that include digital active nulling, a purely reactive bias circuit, and the moving of the 4K SQUID amplifier to the sub-Kelvin stage. Language: English --------------------------------------------------------------- 【宇宙科学談話会の中止について】 明日予定していただいていた宇宙科学談話会の開催について、実施の予定でご準備いただいておりましたが、本日18:00時点で新たな新型コロナウイルス対応方針が示されました。 この中でイベントの開催については、緊急度を考慮して自粛を検討するよう要請があったことから、宇宙科学談話会については、開催を中止させていただくこととしました。 以上 よろしくお願いいたします。 /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK)のティメン・デ・ハーン先生に、「宇宙における数千のサブケルビン遷移端センサを同時に読み出す方法」についてお話しいただきます。 多くの皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。 --------------------------------------------------------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第178回) 日時: 2020年2月26日 (水) 16:30~17:30 場所: 新A棟2階会議室A (1257号室) 講師: ティメン・デ・ハーン (高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK)) 題目: 宇宙における数千のサブケルビン遷移端センサを同時に読み出す方法 要旨: TES bolometers have emerged as a very successful technology in part thanks to their exquisite sensitivity and ability to be fabricated in large monolithic arrays. This technological advancement has enabled the cosmic microwave background satellite LiteBIRD, which is planned for launch in the 2020s. Over 5000 TES bolometers will be flown in presence of tight constraints, including a challenging power budget and stringent signal-to-noise requirements. In order to read out these bolometers without spoiling the instrument’s exquisite sensitivity, I have led several advances in frequency-multiplexed (fMux) readout technology. fMux has been demonstrated to great success with an O(10) multiplexing factor, and is currently also operating successfully at a multiplexing factor of 68 on the ground-based telescope SPT-3G. I will discuss a series of improvements that greatly simplify the fMux readout architecture, improve performance, and increase the multiplexing factor. I will present re sults on several aspects that include digital active nulling, a purely reactive bias circuit, and the moving of the 4K SQUID amplifier to the sub-Kelvin stage. 講演言語: 英語 --------------------------------------------------------------- 【セミナー・談話会一覧】 http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/researchers/colloquium/ 【開催についての連絡先】:宇宙科学談話会・セミナー・世話人一同 danwakai [at] ML.ac.jaxa.jp 【TV会議接続の連絡先】:宇宙科学研究所・科学推進部・東方 東方(内:27130) tobo.kazumi [at] jaxa.jp 注:TV会議の対応規格は、H.323、H.320です。 また、Zoomによる接続も開始いたしております。zoom にて接続希望の方は、別途ご案内をいたしますので、前日の15:00までにご連絡いただければ幸いです。