<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2019年 10月 02日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                    CRC事務局 *********<宇宙科学談話会スケジュール(10月・11月)>********* 宇宙科学研究所で開催しております「宇宙科学セミナー・談話会」の10月~11月の 予定をお送りいたします。 ※外部からのTV会議接続も歓迎いたします。このメール文末に連絡先を記載し ておりますので、ご希望の方は御一報願います。 また、Zoomによる接続も開始いたしております。zoom にて接続希望の方は、 別途ご案内をいたしますので、前日の15:00までにご連絡いただければ幸いです。 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第170回) 日時: 2019年10月2日(水)16:30~17:30 場所: 宇宙研A棟1階入札・会議室(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: Deep and Shallow Learning Models for Autonomous Space Exploration (自律的宇宙探査のための深くて浅い学習モデル) 講師: Dr. Roberto Furfaro (University of Arizona:アリゾナ大学) 概要:  Autonomous and unconstrained exploration of small and large bodies of the solar system requires the development of a new class of intelligent systems capable of integrating in real-time stream of sensor data and autonomously take optimal decisions, i.e. decide the best course of action. For example, future missions to asteroids and comets will require that the spacecraft be able to autonomously navigate in uncertain dynamical environments by executing a precise sequence of maneuvers (e.g. hovering, landing, touch-and-go) based on processed information collected during the close-proximity operations phase. Currently, optimal trajectories are determined by solving optimal guidance problems for a variety of scenarios, generally yielding open-loop trajectories that must be tracked by the guidance system. Although deeply rooted in the powerful tools from optimal control theory, such trajectories are computationally expensive and must be determined off-line, thus hindering the ability to optimally adapt and respond in real-time to 1) uncertainties in the unknown dynamical environment; 2) detected hazards; and 3) science value analysis. Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of machine learning techniques involving the use of shallow and deep neural networks to solve a variety of problems spanning from object detection to image recognition to natural language processing and sentiment analysis. The recent success of deep learning is due to concurrent advancement of the fundamental understanding on how to train deep architecture, the availability of large amount of data and critical advancements in computing power (e.g. extensive use of GPUs). One can naturally ask the following: how can such techniques help the development of the next generation of robust and adaptive algorithms that may enable autonomous space exploration? In this talk, I will address this problem by presenting a variety of methods and techniques that have been recently developed by my research team in the context of autonomous planetary landing and close proximity operations around small bodies. The methodologies span from supervised learning to deep reinforcement learning and demonstrate that such approaches may be implemented to enable intelligent autonomous systems for both guidance, control and real-time decision-making during the robotic exploration of the solar system. 言語: 英語 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第171回) 日時: 2019年10月31日(木)11:00~12:00 場所: 宇宙研A棟4階会議室(JAXA相模原キャンパス) (通常と曜日及び時間が異なりますので、ご注意ください) 題目: Europa Clipper Mission and Trajectory Design (エウロパ クリッパーのミッション設計および軌道設計) 講師: Dr. Stefano Campagnola (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory:ナサジェット推進研究所) 概要:  Europa is one of the most scientifically interesting targets of the solar system, as it may possess what are thought to be the three necessary ingredients for life: an extensive ocean of liquid water, an energy source, and a suite of biogenic elements. To explore the habitability of Europa, NASA is developing the Europa Clipper mission, currently scheduled to be launched in 2023. Europa resides deep inside the gravity well of Jupiter, in a region of the magnetosphere with many trapped ionized particles that when accelerated to near relativistic speeds result in a radiation environment detrimental to spacecraft electronics; a Europa orbiter mission that would continuously reside in the same radiation environment as Europa would require a large amount of ΔV for an orbit insertion maneuver, and would only return limited science data before being critically exposed to radiation. To mitigate these issues, Europa Clipper will instead use a high number of Europa flybys, connected by resonant and non-resonant transfers. Science data are collected during high-radiation Europa flybys, and returned to Earth during the rest of the highly elliptical Jovian orbits, at a much lower radiation dose exposure. This talk will present an overview of the Europa Clipper Mission, and discuss some of the tour techniques developed to meet the hundreds of science requirements levied on trajectory design. 言語: 英語 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第172回) 日時: 2019年11月6日(水)16:30~17:30 場所: 宇宙研A棟2階会議場(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: Hard X-ray Observations of Solar Flares  (邦題:太陽フレアの硬X線観測) 講師: Dr. Säm Krucker (Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley & University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland:カリフォルニア大学バークレー校宇宙科学研究所及びスイス応用科学大学) 概要:  Solar flares are powered by impulsive releases of magnetic energy stored in the solar atmosphere. Hard X-ray observations reveal that as much as half of the released energy goes into acceleration of electrons. The acceleration mechanisms that provide these efficient conversions of magnetic energy into supra-thermal particles are currently not well understood. Driven by the NASA Small Explorer mission RHESSI, significant progress has been made on the observational side. After an introduction of the RHESSI indirect imaging concept, I will review observational results obtained by RHESSI, followed by a discussion on future hard X-ray instrumentation with an emphasis on hard X-ray focusing optics. 言語: 英語 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第173回) 日時: 2019年11月20日(水)16:30~17:30 場所: 宇宙研A棟2階会議場(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: The Athena X-ray Observatory: scientific objectives and mission study (アテナX線観測所科学目的・ミッション調査) 講師: Dr. Massimo Cappi (INAF/OAS Bologna:イタリア 天文物理学研究所) 概要:  Athena is a large X-ray Observatory proposed to address the Science Theme “The Hot and Energetic Universe”, which has been selected by ESA in its Cosmic Vision (2015-2035) program, with a launch date of 2031. After reviewing its core science goals, I will present the mission telescope and instruments, and will focus in particular on the outstanding performances of its on-board X-ray calorimeter (X-IFU), a natural successor of the Resolve calorimeter on-board the JAXA/NASA XRISM mission. 言語: 英語 --------------- 【セミナー・談話会一覧】 http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/researchers/colloquium/ 【開催についての連絡先】 宇宙科学談話会・セミナー・世話人一同 danwakai [at] ML.ac.jaxa.jp 【TV会議およびzoom接続の連絡先】 JAXA宇宙科学研究所・科学推進部・東方     東方(内:27130) tobo.kazumi [at] jaxa.jp 注:TV会議の対応規格は、H.323、H.320です。 ***************************************************************************