<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2019年 9月 6日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                    CRC事務局 ***<International Symposium Dark Matter Search in 2020s>*** ## English text follows after Japanese version ## 本年11月11−13日に東京大学柏キャンパスでWIMPダークマター 探索に関する国際シンポジウム 「Dark matter searches in the 2020s - At the crossroads of the WIMP」 を開催いたします。 また参加登録、講演申し込みも開始しましたので加えてお知らせします。 研究会web page: https://indico.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/259/ 日時:2019年11月11日(月)~2019年11月13日(水) 会場:東京大学柏キャンパス研究総合棟6階会議室 本シンポジウムはWIMPダークマター探索研究に関して、theory, collider, direct, indirect, astrophysicsの研究者を一堂に会して、今後の探索研究に ついて包括的な議論及び情報共有することを目的とします。 ※ ポスター発表と若干の口頭発表を受け付けておりますので、特に若い 研究者や学生の積極的な参加をお待ちしております。 ※ 東京大学柏キャンパスの宿泊施設を確保しております。 参加登録から申し込みできますのでご利用ください。 部屋数に限りがありますので、お早めにお願いします。 ※ 予算に限りはありますが、旅費の補助が可能です。 詳しくは以下の英文でのアナウンスをご参照ください(ご期待に 添えない場合がございます。ご容赦ください。)。 締切までの期間が短いですが、皆様ふるってご参加ください。 林 航平(ICRR, chair) Moritz Hütten (MPP, chair) 浅井祥仁(東京大学, CERN) 手嶋政廣(ICRR, MPP) 森山茂栄(ICRR, IPMU) 川崎雅裕(ICRR, IPMU) 松本重貴(IPMU) 伊部昌宏(ICRR) 吉田龍生(茨城大学) 山下雅樹(ICRR) 身内賢太朗(神戸大学) 菅原みどり(ICRR, 秘書) Diana Werner (MPP, 秘書) 本研究会は - 科研費「ヒッグス粒子発見後の素粒子物理学の新展開〜LHCによる真空と時空構造の解明〜」(新学術・真空と時空:浅井祥仁) - 科研費「地下から解き明かす宇宙の歴史と物質の進化」(新学術・地下宇宙:森山茂栄(分担)) - 科研費「CTA大口径望遠鏡アレイによる極限宇宙の研究」(基盤S:手嶋政廣) - 科研費「高スケール超対称性模型の実験的検証の研究」(基盤B:松本重貴(分担)) - 科研費「ニュートリノで探る対称性と宇宙像」(新学術・ニュートリノ(計画研究):伊部昌宏) - 科研費「次世代暗黒物質探査に向けた矮小銀河暗黒物質ハロー構造の精密測定」(新学術・加速宇宙(公募研究):林航平) - The grant for ICRR’s Fiscal Year 2019 Inter-University Research Program (Moritz Hütten) によってサポートされています。 ##### Dear all, We are delighted to announce the symposium entitled “Dark matter searches in the 2020s - At the crossroads of the WIMP” that will take place at Kashiwa Research Complex in Kashiwa Campus (University of Tokyo, Japan) on November 11-13, 2019. For more information and to register, please visit the event homepage: https://indico.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/event/259/ The registration and abstract submission for the conference in November are now open. We will schedule a small block of time for contributed talks and poster contributions. We are holding a small number of the guest houses in Kashiwa Campus. If you want to stay at the lodging, please answer several choices in “Guest house in Kashiwa Campus” on the registration page (Please note the first-come-first served basis due to the limited supply). To enable students and young postdocs to present their work at the symposium, we will be able to offer limited travel support to participants applying for a contributed talk or poster. Support comprises domestic transportation within Japan and accommodation costs. If you want to acquire travel support, please indicate this during abstract submission, along with providing a short cover letter and CV. Please note that registration and abstract submission are independent steps. Deadline for the abstract submission and travel support is September 27, 2019 and the registration closes on November 1, 2019. Scientific Rationale: Testing the hypothesis of particle dark matter is one of the key questions in Physics today. While no conclusive experimental evidence has been found so far, a new generation of experiments promise a big leap forward in the next decade. Future indirect, direct and collider experiments will be conjointly in reach to probe the largest part of the parameter space of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), the long-standing canonical dark matter candidates. By this, a confirmation or manifest rejection of the WIMP hypothesis is in reach during the next 10 years. The goal of this symposium is to stimulate exchange between these various next-generation WIMP searches. Therefore, it brings together Japanese and international researchers from all relevant experimental and theoretical fields. These include up-to-date particle and interaction models, astrophysical constraints, and the status of the next-generation instruments. Additionally, we aim at a special focus on the neutrino floor background for future direct searches, and searches for DM signatures in charged astroparticles. By this, the symposium helps to foster collaborations and to explore the complementarity of the different search strategies. Main Topics: Dark matter theory Collider experiments for dark matter searches Dark matter direct detection experiments Dark matter indirect detection experiments Astrophysical constraints on dark matter distribution We encourage especially young researchers and students to attend the conference. Confirmed Invited Speakers (as of August 23, 2019): Andrea Albert (LANL), Graciela Gelmini (UCLA), Nagisa Hiroshima (Riken), Moritz Hütten (MPP), Fabio Iocco (ICTP/Imp. Coll. London), Rubén López-Coto (Padova), Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU), Takeo Moroi (U. Tokyo), Yutaka Ohira (U. Tokyo), Masaki Yamashita (ICRR), Satoshi Shirai (Kavli IPMU), Gabrijela Zaharijas (U. Nova Gorica), Paolo Salucci (SISSA) We are looking forward to welcome you in Tokyo! On behalf of the Organising Committee: Kohei Hayashi (ICRR, chair) Moritz Hütten (MPP, chair) Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo, CERN) Masahiro Teshima (ICRR, MPP) Shigetaka Moriyama (ICRR, IPMU) Masahiro Kawasaki (ICRR, IPMU) Shigeki Matsumoto (IPMU) Masahiro Ibe (ICRR) Tatsuo Yoshida (Ibaraki University) Masaki Yamashita (ICRR) Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University) Midori Sugahara (ICRR, secretary) Diana Werner (MPP, secretary) This workshop is supported in part by - MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: 16K21730 for Shoji Asai (PI), 19H05802 for Shigetaka Moriyama (co-PI), 18H05542 for Masahiro Ibe (PI) 18H04359 for Kohei Hayashi (Publicly), - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S): 17H06131 for Masahiro Teshima (PI), - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): 17H02878 for Shigeki Matsumoto (co-PI), and the grant for ICRR’s Fiscal Year 2019 Inter-University Research Program (PI: Moritz Hütten) ***************************************************************************