<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2016年 5 月 9 日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位               CRC事務局  *****<Workshop "Multi-messenger Approaches to Cosmic Rays: Origins and Space Frontiers 2016">***** CRC会員のみなさま、 (重複して受け取られた方はご容赦ください) Penn State Universityの村瀬です。この場をお借りして、ワークショップのご案内を差し上げます。 6月20日から22日にかけてPenn State Universityで以下のようなマルチメッセンジャー天体物理学 に関するワークショップを開催する予定です。講演は基本的に招待講演のみとなりますが、 全員が参加して行う議論の時間を十分に取る予定ですので、興味のある方はご参加ください。 --- Multi-messenger Approaches to Cosmic Rays: Origins and Space Frontiers (MACROS) Penn State in University June 20-22 2016, State College, PA, USA http://sites.psu.edu/macros2016 Dear Colleagues, Following the success of MACROS 2013, we are holding a second edition of MACROS at Penn State University. Our focus will be again on UHECRs and associated multi-messenger signals. Since 2013, many exciting results (e.g., updates of IceCube neutrino data, Telescope Array hotspots) have come out. It is now timely to have intensive discussions to move forward. Among other hot topics, MACROS 2016 we will address the following points: 1. Current challenges and problems in transient sources and associated cosmic-ray accelerators 2. Do we already have clues to the origins of cosmic rays around the knee and second kneee? 3. Building an international network on high energy cosmic-ray research, to discuss future multi-messenger experiments (IceCube-Gen2, KM3Net, GRAND, CTA, ISS-CREAM, TA4, etc.) Because the young scientists in this field today will certainly be the key actors of the next twenty years, our aim is to organize a workshop that is dedicated to discussions led by emerging junior researchers. Because we aim at lively discussions, and due to limited space constraints, we will be able to accommodate a maximum of 45 participants. Please contact us if you are interested in joining! The organizing committee Kumiko Kotera (IAP, Paris) Jean-Philippe Lenain (LPNHE, Paris) Kohta Murase (PSU, USA) Foteini Oikonomou (PSU, USA) John Pretz (PSU, USA) Ian Shoemaker (PSU, USA) ---