<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2015年 2月 16日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                             CRC事務局 ***********< TAUP 2015 - Registrations open >*********** 件名: TAUP 2015 - Registrations open 送信者: "TAUP 2015" 送信日時: 2015年02月15日(日) 18:22:11 Dear friends and colleagues we are glad to announce that the web site with all the relevant information for TAUP 2015 is now accessible: TAUP 2015: "Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics" Dates: 7-11 September 2015 Venue: Centro Congressi Unione Industriale, Torino (Italy) Web page: http://taup2015.to.infn.it Email: taup2015 [at] to.infn.it The page contains the Plenary Program, information on the Workshop Sessions and the Conveners, travel and accommodation information. The page will be updated regularly when additional information becomes available. Registration to the Conference and abstract submissions are also open: the forms can be reached from the same Conference website. You are all invited to submit requests for either oral or poster presentations at your earliest convenience. The Conveners will then prepare the Workshop Sessions program, based on the submitted abstracts. We appreciate if you can distribute this information to interested colleagues, and we look forward to seeing you in Torino next September! Best regards, Nicolao Fornengo (on behalf of the TAUP 2015 Organizing Committee) ------------------------ *** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***: The Universal Exposition EXPO 2015 will be ongoing in Milano from May 1 to October 31, 2015, with a very large number of expected participants. This might affect the availability of hotels also in Torino. Participants are therefore invited to SET UP THEIR HOTEL AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS WELL IN ADVANCE, to avoid both lack of availability and increased fares. ************************************************************