Normally cluttered minimal Japanese kitchen for highly experimental food!
In case you wonder "What's living in the fridge?", here it is! Fairly full, and with milk reserve for one week (sic!) .

Many years ago, I started living alone for some time, and as I couldn't afford a dinner at restaurant every day, I started to cook for myself. Well, the difference between a beast and a human is of course the style of the meals! So, I started learning cooking, first of all following the recipes of Pellegrino Artusi (in "La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene" [Science in the kitchen and the art of eating well], you can download the Italian text [2.1MB]) and I soon discovered that I like cooking. It stimulates fantasy, and also pride, when it comes to what I call "emergency cooking" (like coming late at home , giving a hopeless look to your almost empty fridge, and after 40 minutes having a decent dinner prepared from nothing).

After four years, while living in Trento, I succeeded in gathering together a lot of kitchen tools and spices and "secret ingredients", which made me rather proud of my dinners (often, with 3-6 guests). Now, in Japan, I have to rebuild everything from scratch. My kitchen is really minimal!

I will write down a few recipes, if only I can translate the ingredients from Italian to English...