Photo Gallery 2011

7th TeV Particle Astroparticle Conference in Stockholm, Sweden (Aug. 1-5)


Conference dinner on a boat tour (Aug. 4)

Trip to Utah (Jun. 12-21)

Black Rock Mesa 観測基地の望遠鏡ステーションの前で撮影。左より理研の戎崎さん、京大の長滝さん、佐川。(2011年6月17日MDT)

Photo in front of Black Rock Mesa fluorescence telescope station. From the left, Ebisuzaki-san (Riken), Nagataki-san (Kyoto University), Sagawa (ICRR) (June 17, 2011 MDT)

The workshop on Multi-Messenger Astronomy of Cosmic Rays at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) in Beijin in China (Apr. 10-15)


The building of KIAA in Beijin University where the workshop on MMACR was held (Apr. 13)