Publications & Reports

Y.Aita, Y.Asaoka, T.Chonan, Y.Higashi, K.Noda, and M.Sasaki, Y.Morimoto, S.Ogawa, J.Learned, R.Fox, [the Ashra-1 collaboration],
``GRB081203A: Ashra-1 observation of early optical and VHE-neutrino emission,''

Katusta.T., Yokomizo.S., Sasaki.M.,
``Study on Machining of Large Acrylic Lens,''
2007. Japan Society of Precision Engineering, 73, No.2, 215-219.

Masuda,M., Aita,Y., Aoki,T., Asaoka,Y., Browder,T., Chonan,T., Dye,S., Eguchi,M., Fox,R., Guillian,G., Hamilton,J., Kimura,T., Kohta,N., Kuze,H., Learned,J., Matsuno,S., Morimoto,Y., Noda,K., Ogawa,S., Okumura,A., Olsen,S., Sasaki,M., Shibuya,H., Shinomiya,K., Sugiyama,N., Yamaguchi,Y., Yasuda,M., Varner,G., Watanabe,Y., Watanabe,Y.,
``Hybrid Photo Detector as the Ashra trigger senser,''
2007. Proc. 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida, Mexico), 3, 1571-1574.

Okumura,A., Aita,Y., Aoki,T., Asaoka,Y., Browder,T., Chonan,T., Dye,S., Eguchi,M., Fox,R., Guillian,G., Hamilton,J., Kimura,T., Kohta,N., Kuze,H., Learned,J., Masuda,M., Matsuno,S., Morimoto,Y., Noda,K., Ogawa,S., Olsen,S., Sasaki,M., Shibuya,H., Shinomiya,K., Sugiyama,N., Yamaguchi,Y., Yasuda,M., Varner,G., Watanabe,Y., Watanabe,Y.,
``Ashra Mauna Loa Observatory and Slow Control System,''
2007. Proc. 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida, Mexico), 3, 1405-1408.

Sasaki,M., Aita,Y., Aoki,T., Asaoka,Y., Browder,T., Chonan,T., Dye,S., Eguchi,M., Fox,R., Guillian,G., Hamilton,J., Kimura,T., Kohta,N., Kuze,H., Learned,J., Masuda,M., Matsuno,S., Morimoto,Y., Noda,K., Ogawa,S., Okumura,A., Olsen,S., Shibuya,H., Shinomiya,K., Sugiyama,N., Yamaguchi,Y., Yasuda,M., Varner,G., Watanabe,Y., Watanabe,Y.,
``The Ashra Project,''
2007. Proc. 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Merida, Mexico), 3, 1559-1562.

``All-sky Survey High Resolution Air-Shower Detector (Ashra),''
Proceeding of International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe (ICRR, Kashiwa),
edit. by Sato, K. and Hisano, J., 197-204 March, 2007.

= 2005 =
Asaoka.Y., Aita.Y., Aoki.T., and Sasaki.M.,
``Development of a 16-inch UV-Ray Image Intensifier Tube,''
2005. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52, num 5, 1773-1778.

Sasaki,M., Manago.N., Aita,Y., Asaoka.Y., Jobashi.M., Noda.K., Okumura.A., Ogawa.Y., Chonan.T., Watanabe.Y., Learned.J., Matsuno.S. and Olsen.S. for the Ashra collaboration,
``Observation of Optical Transients with the Ashra Prototype,''
2005. Proceeding of the 29th International Cosmic Ray conf. Pune, 5, 319-322.

Sasaki,M., Aita,Y., Arai.Y., Asaoka.Y., Chonan.T., Dye.S., Fox.R., Fukagawa.S., Guillian.G.,
Hamilton.J., Hsiung.Y., Huang.M., Jobashi.M., Kimura.T., Kuze.H., Learned.J., Manago.N., Matsuno.S., Noda.K., Ogawa.Y., Okumura.A., Sugiyama.N., Wang.M., Watanabe.Y. and Yasuda.M. for the Ashra collaboration,
``Status of the Ashra Project,''
2005. Proceeding of the 29th International Cosmic Ray conf. Pune, 8, 197-200

M. Sasaki, et al. GRB050504: Ashra-P2/3 monitor and Ashra-AFT response. GCN GRB OBBSERVATION REPORT #3499

M. Sasaki, et al.GRB050502b: Early Observation. GCN GRB OBBSERVATION REPORT #3421

M. Sasaki, et al. GRB041211: Ashra Prototype optical observation. GCN GRB OBBSERVATION REPORT #2846

= 2003 =
Y. Aita, et al. The ASHRA Detector. The 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1061 (2003)

K. Kohri, et al. Particle Physics in ASHRA. The 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference 1747 (2003)

Y. Arai, et al. ASHRA Trigger and Readout Pixel Sensors. The 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2397 (2003)

Y. Aita, et al. High Energy Astrophysics by ASHRA, The 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2991 (2003)

Makoto Sasaki, Very High Energy Particle Astronomy with All-Sky Survey High Resolution Air-Shower Detector (ASHRA). Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 151, 192 (2003)

M. Sasaki, Y. Asaoka, M. Jobashi. Self-triggered image intensifier tube for high-resolution UHECR imaging detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 501, 359 (2003)

= 2002 =
M. Sasaki, A. Kusaka, Y. Asaoka. Design of UHECR telescope with 1 arcmin resolution and 501 field of view. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 492, 49 (2002)

Ashra Collaborators, Ashra Proposal(Japanese Edition) (2002)

Last Modified - Jun/01/2005