速報-20;「The Workshop on The highest energy cosmic rays」のご案内 シンポジウムの前日に以下のようなワークショップ を開きたいと思います。多数参加を御願いいたします。 日時、場所: 3月1日、KEK田無第二会議室。 問い合わせは、手嶋( mteshima [at] icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp )まで御願いします。 手嶋 ======================================================================= = = = The Workshop on = = The highest energy cosmic rays = = = = 1.March.1999 = = = = At the second meeting room = = of KEK-Tanashi campus = = = ======================================================================= 1:30- 1. AGASA results M.Takeda(20min) 2. Interpretation of AGASA results M.Nagano(20min) 3. Preliminary results from HiRes W.Springer(20min) 4. AGN jet and High energy cosmic rays S.Inoue(ICRR,20min) 5. TeV gamma-ray emission from gamma-ray T.Totani(U.Tokyo,20min) bursts and ultra high energy cosmic rays 6. The highest energy neutrino S.Yoshida(ICRR,20min) coffee break 4:00- 7. Dark Matter M.Kawasaki(ICRR,20min) 8. T.D. and the highest energy cosmic rays P.Bhattercharjee(IIA,20min) 9. Characteriscs of gamma ray showers above 10**20eV Vankov(20min) 10. Telescope Array Project M.Sasaki(ICRR,20min) 11.Pierre Auger Project B.Dawson(Adelaide,20min) 12.OWL Project K.Arisaka(UCLA,20min) Close at 6:30