<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                CRC事務局 ************* ************* CRC 会員の皆様  この度 Physical Review D (PRD) 評価委員会委員長の Michael Peskin 氏から PRD に関するアンケート調査への協力依頼がありましたため連絡させていただきます。 PRD評価委員会では PRD がアメリカ以外の community に対してどのように貢献しているかについて関心があり日本からの多くの回答を期待しております。 下記のアンケート調査に是非、ご協力よろしくお願い致します。 (10分程度の簡単なアンケートです。) 宇宙線研究所 伊部 ========================================================================================================= Dear Colleagues, I am writing to request that you answer the survey on the journal Physical Review D that is available at the web site: https://journals.aps.org/prd/2018-prd-survey This survey will give input to a review of Physical Review D that the APS is carrying out this fall. The survey should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Your reply to the survey will be anonymous. We are in a period of rapid change in scientific journal publishing. Almost everyone now uses eprint publication. CERN is officially supporting Open Access publication through SCOAP3 *. Many people say that journals are irrelevant, and yet still they send their papers to journals. Journals that were formerly regional are now global, with almost equal contributions from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. As a part of our review of Physical Review D, we would like to know what your thoughts are about these changing situations. How are Physical Review D and other journals that you read or publish in adapting to the new environment? What should Physical Review D be doing to move forward? We would very much appreciate receiving your opinions. If you would like to express your ideas at greater length (but not anonymously), please send our committee email at prd-survey@aps.org . We would like to give this survey wide distribution. We would appreciate a response even if your scientific interests and and publications only partially overlap with Physical Review D. Please pass this request along to any colleagues (especially, in other regions) who might wish to contribute. We apologize if you receive this request from multiple sources. Thank you, Michael Peskin (chair, Physical Review D review committee) -------