<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                CRC事務局 ***************<宇宙科学談話会スケジュール(7月・8月)>****************** 宇宙科学研究所で開催しております「宇宙科学セミナー・談話会」の7〜8月の 予定をお送りいたします。 ※外部からのTV会議接続も歓迎いたします。このメール文末に連絡先を記載し ておりますので、ご希望の方は御一報願います。 また、試行的にZoomによる接続も開始いたしております。zoom にてて接続希望の 方は、別途ご案内をいたしますので、前日の15:00までに下記連絡先までご連絡い ただければ幸いです。 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第127回) 日時: 2018年7月4日(水)16:30〜17:30 場所: 宇宙研A棟2階会議場(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: Space Colony Research Center at the Tokyo University of Science --- Developing technology for moon-base habitation and its application to the earth society --- 講師: 木村真一(東京理科大学) 向井千秋(東京理科大学) 概要: Space exploration stimulates our imaginations and empowers our activities to make our dreams to happen. With hopes future living on the moon-base supported by science and technology, the Tokyo University of Science (TUS) established the Space Colony Research Center last year, funded by the Private University Research Branding Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The center interdisciplinary works amongst in-house researchers as well as outside academia with the collaboration of government and industry. The goal of the Center is to further improve technology in areas the TUS excels at, making the technology viable in space and creating a virtuous cycle of technological innovation on Earth as well. It is comprised of four teams: 1) The Space Agriculture Team, researching hydroponics to grow food in space; 2) The Energy Creation and Storage Technology Team, researching the generation of energy necessary to support life in space; 3) The Water and Air Recycling Technology Team, researching how to recycle these limited resources; and 4) The Space system development and Quality of Life Design Team, in charge overall and researching medical and other systems for while living in space. The core of their research is based around photocatalysis and high-efficiency energy generation with a low environmental impact, strengths of the university. Our plan of the Space Colony Research Center will be discussed. And the concept of the moon-base frontier medicine to ensure safe and productive human activities will be briefly introduced. 言語:英語 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第128回) 日時: 2018年7月25日(水)16:30〜17:30 場所: 宇宙研新A棟2階会議室A(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: Searching for Planets like Earth around Late-M Dwarfs using Subaru/IRD 講師: 佐藤文衛(東京工業大学 理学院・地球惑星科学系) 概要: We plan to conduct an extensive, precise near-infrared (NIR) radial- velocity (RV) survey focused on late-M dwarf stars (LMDs) using newly commissioned InfraRed Doppler (IRD) instrument and Subaru telescope. IRD is an echelle spectrometer that covers the wavelengths from 0.97 to 1. 75 m with a high spectral resolution (70,000). IRD's high instrumental stability and its use of a laser frequency comb as a very precise wavelength reference allow us to measure the RVs of LMDs with a precision of 2 m/s or better. The goals of our survey are: (1) to discover small rocky planets in the habitable zone around these low-mass stars, and (2) to uncover the distribution of planetary systems containing Earth-mass planets and more massive planets. We here outline our planet search project and also introduce other observations that will be possible using IRD. 言語:英語 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第129回) 日時: 2018年8月1日(水)16:30〜17:30 場所: 宇宙研A棟1階入札・会議室(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: High efficiency superconducting nanowire single photon detectors in NICT, for deep space optical communication 講師: 三木茂人(NICT) 概要: We introduce superconducting nanowire single photon detection technology with ~80 % detection efficiency at from visible to near infrared wavelength region for applications of deep space optical communication. 言語: 英語 --------------- ○宇宙科学談話会(第130回) 日時: 2018年8月29日(水)16:30〜17:30 場所: 宇宙研A棟2階会議場(JAXA相模原キャンパス) 題目: Quantum Chemistry Approaches to Elucidate Chemical Reactions in Astrobiology 講師: 庄司 光男(筑波大学計算科学研究センター) 概要: Variety of chemical reactions occur in interstellar space. These reactions are different to the familiar reactions performed under biological and ordinal thermal conditions. Therefore, theoretical approaches to elucidate such reactions are not yet established and the astrobiology is exciting and challenging research region for computational chemistry. In my presentation, a novel approach to search chemical reactions, called GLAS method, is discussed. Our GLAS method is significantly valuable for searching chemical reactions. Glycine formation reactions, which deeply relate to the origin of life, and a molecular mechanism of chiral amplitude in comet are discussed. 言語: 英語 --------------- 【セミナー・談話会一覧】 http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/researchers/colloquium/ 【開催についての連絡先】 宇宙科学談話会・セミナー・世話人一同 danwakai [at] ML.ac.jaxa.jp 【TV会議およびzoom接続の連絡先】 JAXA宇宙科学研究所・科学推進部・東方     東方(内:27130) tobo.kazumi [at] jaxa.jp 注:TV会議の対応規格は、H.323、H.320です。 ***********************************************************************************