<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2017年7月13日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位            CRC事務局 ******************** ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー CRCの皆様 9月26日から29日に名古屋大学でハドロン衝突前方物理に関する国際ワークショップを開催します。 2013年、2015年に続く3回目の開催です。宇宙線も重要な話題の一つです。興味のある方は是非 ご参加ください。 さこ(名古屋大学) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Dear colleagues, We are glad to announce to held Workshop on forward physics and high-energy scattering at zero degrees 2017 (HESZ2017) at the Nagoya University, Japan, from 26 to 29 September, 2017. This is the second joint workshop of the LHC forward physics working group meeting and the High-Energy Scattering at Zero degrees workshop (HESZ). It aims at covering all aspects of forward physics at the LHC and at the RHIC, benefiting from the experience gained at the HERA and the Tevatron. Cosmic-ray physics is also one of the important topics . The spirit of this meeting is to favour fruitful and informal discussions between experimentalists and theorists. Lots of time is devoted to discussion of new results, hot topics and exciting open problems in forward physics. The workshop program is mainly organized with the invited talks, but submissions for contributions are open now. Registration to the workshop is also open. For detail, please visit our workshop webpage at https://indico.cern.ch/event/590974/overview The workshop is supported by the Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI), Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University. With best regards, Takashi Sako (Nagoya) Christophe Royon (Kansas)