<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2016年 4 月14日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位               CRC事務局  ***************<国際ニュートリノ夏の学校2016のご案内>*************** 以下のように、国際ニュートリノ夏の学校2016が今年の7月18−29日 ベトナムで開かれます。 http://vietnam.in2p3.fr/2016/inss/ ニュートリノ物理や検出器の基礎から最新状況、さらに将来の計画まで広く 学ぶことができます。 学生さんやポスドクの方など、奮ってご参加ください。 塩澤 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Colleagues, The 9th International Neutrino Summer School (INSS 2016) will be held in Quy Nhon, Viet Nam from July 18-29, 2015, hosted by the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education. The program is aimed at both experimentalists and theoreticians, graduate students and early postdocs, and will cover the full range of major topics in neutrino physics. One unique feature of this neutrino school is that students get an opportunity to interact directly with other students and lecturers over a 12-day period to work on current problems facing the field of neutrino physics. Please see the school web site http://vietnam.in2p3.fr/2016/inss/ for the list of courses and lecturers, and to register. The registration fee is 900 USD and covers local transportation, food and lodging (in a shared room), as well as all activities associated with the school. The registration deadline for this fee is May 17. Limited funds are available for local and travel support of participants. Sincerely, Deborah Harris, Boris Kayser, Jean Tran Thanh Van ------------------------------------------------------------------------