<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News 2014年 3月 31日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位                             CRC事務局 **********< 「宇宙気候学に関する研究会」のお知らせ >********** 急なお知らせで申し訳ありません。興味のある方はご参加ください。                  名大STE研 増田公明 ------------------------------------------------------------ (第4回「太陽活動と気候変動の関係」に関する名古屋ワークショップ、  名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所共同利用研究集会) 日時:4月3日(木)13:30−18:00(参加費無料)          18:00- 懇親会(参加費有料) 場所:名古屋大学東山キャンパス 太陽地球環境研究所    研究所共同館3階講義室 http://www.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ (英語での講演を予定しています) 13:30-14:30 基調講演  ヘンリク・スベンスマルク(デンマーク宇宙科学研究所)  "THE MILKY WAY AND EARTHS CLIMATE" 14:30-14:50  小寺邦彦(名大太陽研)  「地表に見られる太陽活動の影響に関する信号の起源に関する考察」 14:50-15:10  中塚武(総合地球研)  「気候変動の準20年周期成分に起きる400年毎の振幅拡大   −中部日本の夏季降水量の場合」 15:10-15:20 休憩 15:20-15:40  宮原ひろ子(武蔵野美大)  「マウンダー極小期における太陽圏環境と気候変動/最終氷期における   太陽活動と気候変動」 15:40-16:00  三宅芙沙(名大太陽研)   「樹木年輪に刻まれた6-12世紀の太陽活動(仮題)」 16:00-16:20  鈴木麻未(名大太陽研)   「宇宙線による雲凝結核生成について複数線源での検証実験(仮題)」 16:20-16:40  冨田成夫(筑波大学数理物質系)   「N2/H2O/SO2およびAir/H2O/SO2中での20MeV陽子照射によるSO2の酸化   と液滴生成」 16:40-17:00  服部祥平 (東工大)  「安定同位体計測を用いてイオン誘発エアロゾル生成のメカニズム   解明をする(仮題)」 17:00-17:20  島伸一郎(兵庫県立大)  「超水滴雲モデル(仮題)」 17:20-17:40  片岡龍峰(極地研)  「未定」 17:40-18:00  討論まとめ ------------------------------------- Workshop on Space Climate Date: April 3, 2014, 13:30-18:00  Venue: Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University http://www.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp/index.php.en 13:30-14:30 Plenary lecture Henrik Svensmark (Danish National Space Institute, the Technical University of Denmark)  "THE MILKY WAY AND EARTHS CLIMATE" Abstract: Variations in Earth’s climate suggest that the atmosphere is capable of amplifying small changes in solar activity. One possible explanation is an influence on the atmospheric transparency by changing cloud properties via cosmic ray ionisation (the latter is modulated by solar activity). Initial support for this idea is found from satellite observations of low liquid clouds (< 3 km). The proposed mechanism involve ion induced formation and growth of aerosol particles (0.001- 1 mu in diameter) that subsequently can act as cloud condensation nuclei. Observations of the whole chain from solar activity in the form of coronal mass ejections, to cosmic ray decrease, to aerosol production, to cloud cover will be presented. For some years a contentious issue has been whether our planet's ever-changing location in the Galaxy and associated variations in the influx of galactic cosmic rays have influenced its climate and life over geological time scales. Previous studies have indicated a coincidence between the passages of the Sun through the four spiral arms of the Galaxy and glaciations during the last 500 Ma. The present study directly estimates the changing birth rate of clusters from a sample of open stellar clusters in the solar neighborhood. From this the formation rates of massive supernova progenitors as a function of time is estimated. The supernova rates are compared with geological data on past climates, biodiversity and the carbon cycle. It is found that astrophysical processes responsible for star formation in the solar neighborhood are fundamental for the conditions of life on Earth. The suggested mechanism involves an initial impact of variable galactic cosmic ray influx on climate, and subsequent changes in the nutrient and carbon cycle. 14:30-14:50 Kunihiko Kodera (Nagoya Univ. STEL) "Consideration on the origin of the solar signal on the Earth's surface" Observed 11-year solar signals in the surface temperature can be characterized by warmings in mid-latitudes but the absence of the warming in the tropics. Little change in the tropical surface temperature suggests a dynamical nature of solar influence on the Earth's surface. 14:50-15:10 Takeshi Nakatsuka (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) "400 years interval of amplification in quasi bi-decadal climate variability: a case of summer precipitation in Japan" Recent dendrochronological study in central Japan using tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotope ratios (d18O) has revealed that quasi bi-decadal components in summer precipitation variability have been amplified repeatedly at about 400 years intervals during last two millennia. Because the bi-decadal periodicity is one of the most characteristic feature in solar radiation, this regular amplitude modulation of summer precipitation in central Japan, probably reflecting changes in summer monsoon activity, may be caused by 400 years (or 800 years) cycle of solar activity in the past, which induced the bi-decadal amplitude modulation in climate variability. 15:20-15:40 Hiroko Miyahara (Musashino Art University) " Heliospheric environment, cosmic rays, and climate variations at the Maunder Minimum/ Sun-climate connection during the last glaciations" Beryllium-10 content in ice cores at the Maunder minimum shows characteristic multi-decadal variations associated with solar activity/magnetic-reversal cycles. We discuss the possible change in the heliospheric environment, and its impact on the pattern of climate oscillations at the time. We also present our recent results on the Sun-climate connection during the last glaciation. 15:40-16:00 Fusa Miyake " Mysterious radiation burst recorded in tree rings (tentative title)" 16:00-16:20 Asami Suzuki "Chamber Experiment with Radiation Sources for Verification of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Formation (tentative title)" 16:20-16:40 Shigeo Tomita(Tsukuba Univ.) " Oxidation of SO2 and water droplet formation in N2/H2O/SO2 and Air/H2O/SO2 by irradiation of 20MeV protons" It is generally accepted idea that the ions generated by the cosmic ray would effect on both of oxidation process of SO2 and the nucleation process. We have done experimental studies using 20MeV protons, and measured consumption of SO2 to determine oxidation rate, together with the nucleation rate and size distribution of the generated aerosols. 16:40-17:00 Shohei Hattori "Ion-induced aerosol formation mechanisms studied using stable isotopes analysis (tentative title)" 17:00-17:20 Sinichiro Shima " The super-droplet method for the numerical simulation of clouds and precipitation: a particle-based and probabilistic microphysics model coupled with a non-hydrostatic model(tentative title)" 17:20-17:40 Ryuho Kataoka(National Institute of Polar Research) "TBD" 17:40-18:00 Discussion 以上 ------------------------------------------  草野 完也 Kanya Kusana  松見 豊 Yutaka Matsumi  名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所  〒464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町 F3-3  TEL: 052-747-6412, FAX: 052-789-5787  E-mail: kusano [at] nagoya-u.jp      matsumi [at] stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp ------------------------------------------ *********************************************************