<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News No.1546:2010年 9月24日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位 CRC事務局 宇宙線研支部 *******< The symposium on “The Recent Progress of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Observation”のお知らせ >******* CRCの皆様 地表粒子検出器と大気蛍光望遠鏡のハイブリッド観測による実験:アルゼンチン のPierre Auger Observatoryと米国ユタ州のテレスコープアレイが最高エネル ギー宇宙線のデータを蓄積し、高精度・高統計で新しい観測結果を報告しつつあ ります。そこで、これまでの結果を実験と理論の両面から総合的に議論する国際 シンポジウムを以下のように開催します。 会議名: The symposium on “The Recent Progress of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Observation” 日程: 2010年12月10日(金)〜12日(日) 場所: 名古屋国際会議場 HP : http://uhecr2010.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ 口頭・ポスター発表のアブストラクトの締切: 10月15日(金) シンポジウムはレビュー講演とパネルディスカッションが主体になります。パネ ルディスカッションでは、エネルギースペクトル、粒子組成、異方性の各トピッ クスに関して、現状を把握し今後へ向けて議論する予定です。コントリビューシ ョンも受け付けますが、ポスターが主体になります。皆様の積極的なご参加をぜ ひお待ちします。ご不明な点は、LOCメーリングリストまでお問い合わせ下さい。 uhecr2010 [at] icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp Local Organization Committee 一同 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An announcement of the symposium on "The Recent Progress of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Observation" A symposium is planned to review recent progresses in the observation of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs). It will be held for Dec.10th- 12th, 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. Unprecedented amount of UHECR samples is being accumulated by the new generation experiments; Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina and Telescope Array in Utah, USA. Not only the volume but the quality of data from these experiments is superior thanks to the hybrid observation adopting multiple measurement methods, and by using precision calibrations available from the particle accelerators such as the LHCf, AirFly, FLASH, ELS [at] TA and others. In the symposium, we review existing and emerging UHECR data on the energy spectrum, particle composition and the anisotropy, and discuss its implications to the physics of UHECRs. Using data from these experiments, the time to identify the birth place of UHECRs and to unravel its generation mechanism may be approaching. The symposium will be a good occasion to review potential sources of UHECRs with the data from new all-sky surveyors of high energy phenomena in the universe, i.e. the Fermi, MAXI, IceCube and others. Experimentalists and theorists actively working in this field are solicited to join in the symposium for this purpose. We plan to discuss future projects of the UHECR as well. The symposium will take place in the Nagoya Congress Center. The deadline of the abstract submission for oral and poster contributions is October 15th(Fri). Please consult the symposium web site for details. (http://uhecr2010.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/) We look forward to seeing you soon in Nagoya. *** International Advisory Committee *** V.Berezinsky, J.Bluemer, T.Ebisuzaki, R.Engel, M.Fukushima (secretary), F.Halzen, Y.Itow, P.Lipari, K.Makishima, P.Privitera, K.Sato, P.Sokolsky, F.Takahara *** Local Organizing Committee *** M.Fukushima, Y.Kawasaki, S.Ogio, H.Sagawa (chairman), T.Sako, M.Takeda, T.Terasawa, Y.Tsunesada, T.Yamamoto * For inquiry, please contact the LOC by Email (uhecr2010 [at] icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp). =====================================