<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRC News No.1138:2008年 2月 5日 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CRC会員 各位 CRC事務局 宇宙線研支部 ************< 3rd International MAXI Workshop "Astrophysics with All-Sky X-Ray Observations" >************ CRCの皆様 国際宇宙ステーション搭載の全天X線監視装置(MAXI)の打ち上げまで1年余となり、 理化学研究所、JAXAでは、国際シンポジウム「全天X線観測の宇宙物理」を開催 することとなりました。当件ここにお知らせいたしますと同時に、多数の皆様の ご参加をお待ち申し上げます。 MAXI Astrophysics LOC 三原建弘(理研) ================================== 3rd International MAXI Workshop "Astrophysics with All-Sky X-Ray Observations" (英語) 趣旨: 世界中にMAXIの性能を周知し、MAXIの目指すサイエンスを明確化す るため、変動天体・突発天体の連続観測・多波長観測・速報、および全天多波 長探査などについて、多方面から議論する。国際的な招待講演者を招くと同時 に、短い一般講演とポスター発表を募集する。 日時: 2008年 6月10日(火)ー12日(木)  場所: 理化学研究所(和光) 鈴木梅太郎ホール 参加費:無料 (懇親会:7000円予定) 申し込み:http://maxi.riken.jp/astrows/  発表申込〆切:2008年3月31日  事前参加登録〆切:2008年5月10日  当日の参加登録も可能ですが、準備の都合上、事前の参加登録をお願いします。 お問合せは astrows [at] crab.riken.jp までお願いします。 詳しくはWEBサイトをご覧ください。  http://maxi.riken.jp/astrows/ ==英文案内============================================================ Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the 3rd International MAXI Workshop "Astrophysics with All-Sky X-Ray Observations" to be held at RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan during 10-12 June 2008. The conference is hosted by RIKEN and supported by JAXA. Please direct your browser to the conference web site for additional details and access to the registration form. http://maxi.riken.jp/astrows/ MAXI, an X-ray all-sky monitor mission on the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station, scheduled to be launched in March 2009, is currently in the final test phase. We will hold this workshop to inform the MAXI capability widely to the scientists in the world, to discuss the MAXI's science and to maximize its scientific output. We will invite several speakers and call for contributed short talks and posters. Due to the unprecedented sensitivity of a few milliCrab in a day covering most of the sky, MAXI can monitor the variability of a large number of X-ray sources at much lower flux levels than is possible with the current all-sky or wide-field missions. Its science output will be greatly enhanced by the joint multiwavelength observations with contemporary missions such as INTEGRAL, Swift, GLAST, and ground-based optical/NIR/radio observatories, as well as deep follow-up observations in X-rays by Suzaku, XMM or Chandra. Collaboration with future X-ray all-sky survey programs, such as eRosita and Lobster will be also useful. The featured themes for this program are: * MAXI Mission and its capability * MAXI Observations of AGNs (flares and long-term monitoring, multi-wavelength) * MAXI Observations of the galactic variable sources (accreting binaries containing compact objects, active stars) * MAXI Observations of the gamma-ray bursts, X-ray flashes and supernovae * MAXI Observations of large-scale diffuse emissions (Galactic center, ridge, oxygen and iron lines) * Related theories Important dates to keep in mind are: 2008 March 31 Registration deadline for talks and posters (Abstract needed) June 10-12 MAXI workshop August 31 Deadline for submission of papers for Proceedings We look forward to seeing you in RIKEN ! Please forward this announcement to any of your colleagues who might be interested in attending MAXI workshop. Sincerely, Tatehiro Mihara (MAXI astrophysics workshop LOC) ======================================